Source: KANSAS STATE UNIV submitted to
Sponsoring Institution
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Project No.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Program Code
Project Start Date
Oct 1, 2007
Project End Date
Sep 30, 2013
Grant Year
Project Director
Seifers, D.
Recipient Organization
Performing Department
KSU Agriculture Research Center-Hays
Non Technical Summary
Wheat lines recently identified with WSMV resistance will be further developed and continued screening of the world wheat germplasm collection will continue to identify additional sources of resistance. In preliminary experiments, we observed that infection of wheat by viruses can cause genetic mutations in the progeny of these plants. This phenomenon will be investigated further in relation to development of waxy wheat and as a means to develop sources of disease resistance to fungal diseases. New isolates of the High Plains virus (HPV) have been identified reacting weakly to antiserum prepared to earlier isolates of this virus. This makes it difficult to correctly diagnosis the agent causing viral symptoms observed in critical wheat lines being evaluated in the field. Therefore, additional HPV variants will be identified that do not react robustly to original sources of HPV antiserum, the coat protein purified, and the amino acid sequenced obtained. Variable regions of these sequences, will be used as the template guide for the preparation synthetic peptides, and these peptides will be used to prepare antiserum probes specific to these isolates. Triticum mosaic virus (TriMV) is a new virus infecting wheat. We will determine its effect on yield reduction in important wheat lines in the field, determine a host range (both experimental and natural) other than wheat, identify the vector (s) that are transmitting the virus in the field, and elucidate the complete nucleic acid sequence of the virus.
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Goals / Objectives
Wheat Streak Mosaic Virus (WSMV). 1) Develop and characterize the WSMV resistance identified in 12 wheat lines from the world germplasm collection, 2) Further identify other sources of WSMV resistance from the world germplasm collection by continued WSMV resistance screening, 3) Further investigate the use of virus infection as a means to induce genetic mutations in wheat in two areas: a) the development of waxy seed in wheat not having this characteristic, and b) the development of disease resistance to fungal pathogens in important wheat lines that have lost this resistance or did not show such resistance. High Plains virus (HPV). 1) Identify HPV variants existing in naturally infected wheat, 2) characterize the capsid protein of these variants by SDS-PAGE and TOFMS, 3) prepare synthetic peptides to critical variable regions of the capsid determined by TOFMS and use these peptides for preparation of isolate specific antiserum. Use remaining tissue from wheat infected by each variant to develop nucleic acid-base probes. Triticum mosaic virus (TriMV). Because this is a newly identified virus infecting wheat, the following will be determined: 1) the incidence of infection in naturally infected wheat, 2) the complete nucleotide sequence of the U06-123 isolate of TriMV, 3), yield (replicated trials) response under field conditions of important wheat lines to mechanical inoculation with the U06-123 isolate of TriMV, 4) a host range (experimental and natural) for TriMV, and 4) the vector (s) of TriMV.
Project Methods
Wheat Streak Mosaic Virus (WSMV). Mechanically inoculate wheat with WSMV and test at critical temperatures to develop and further identify new sources of resistance. Grow-out seed collected from wheat infected by viruses and determine the mutations induced in the progeny by this virus infection for presence of waxy mutations. Grow wheat (from seed of plants infected by viruses) in the field under natural disease pressure to identify any genetic mutations that may result in increased disease resistance to fungal diseases. High Plains virus (HPV). Identify variants by analyzing wheat by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) that test weakly for infection by HPV followed by sodium doedecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) to identify the presence of HPV capsid proteins from HPV variants that are involved in the weak reaction to the HPV antiserum. Use the capsid protein purified the by SDS-PAGE analysis for sequence analysis by time-of-flight mass spectrometry, prepare synthetic peptide to variable regions of the sequence, and then use the peptide to prepare specific antiserum. Use wheat tissue infected by these variants as source of virus for preparation of nucleic acid probes. Triticum mosaic virus (TriMV). Use ELISA analyses to determine incidence level of TriMV in wheat at several locations by sampling wheat in the Kansas Interstate Nurseries (KIN). We will mechanically inoculate many different plant species with TriMV to determine an experimental host range, analyze symptomatic plants growing in and around wheat from different locations in Kansas for infection by TriMV to establish a natural host range. The identity of a vector (s) of TriMV will be determined by testing wheat curl mites and aphids, or other insects for their ability to transmit TriMV. The complete nucleotide sequence of TriMV will be elucidated using purified viral RNA. Wheat (either susceptible or resistant to WSMV) will be mechanically inoculated with TriMV in replicated yield trials to determine the impact of infection under field conditions.

Progress 10/01/07 to 09/30/13

Target Audience: Wheat producers, wheat breeders, the wheat milling industry, and the scientific community. Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided? Nothing Reported How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest? Results have been disseminated through scientific journal articles, progress reports, and extension publications. Presentations have been made at producer meetings and professional society meetings. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals? Nothing Reported

What was accomplished under these goals? Expressing temperature-sensitive resistance protects wheat against yield losses from infection with wheat streak mosaic virus, the most common wheat disease in western Kansas. We screened 2,429 wheat accessions from the National Small Grains Collection for their response to inoculation with the Sid81 isolate of wheat streak mosaic virus. Twenty potential sources of temperature-sensitive resistance were discovered. To differentiate their relative effectiveness, accession responses over 21 days to inoculation with GH95, Sid81, and PV57 virus isolates in regimes of 18 and 20°C were observed. At 18°C, all 20 candidate sources for temperature-sensitive resistance were uniformly or nearly uniformly asymptomatic 21 days after inoculation with the PV57 isolate. The resistance was indistinguishable from resistant checks KS96HW10-3 and RonL. By contrast, the Sid81 isolate induced symptoms in low but significant proportions of plants of two candidates, and the GH95 isolate in high proportions for four candidates and low but significant proportions for two others. In the more stringent 20°C regime, the uniform or near-uniform induction of symptoms in response to inoculation with GH95 failed to differentiate among the 20 candidate temperature-sensitive resistance sources and two resistant checks, while inoculation with PV57 and Sid81 identified several candidates that performed similarly to KS96HW10-3 and significantly better than the variety RonL. By identifying new sources of resistance, this study supports public and private breeding efforts to incorporate resistance to wheat streak mosaic virus into an increased number of elite wheat varieties. We continued a major experiment to screen 183 sorghum accessions to mechanical inoculation with Maize dwarf mosaic virus, Sugarcane mosaic virus strain MDB, Sorghum mosaic virus, Johnsongrass mosaic virus, and Zea mosaic virus. Sorghum accessions exhibiting resistance will be incorporated into a companion sorghum breeding program.


  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2013 Citation: Seifers, D., S. Haber, T.J. Martin, and G. Zhang. 2013. New sources of temperature-sensitive resistance in wheat to wheat streak mosaic virus. Plant Disease. 97:1051-1056.

Progress 01/01/12 to 12/31/12

OUTPUTS: The last of 20 new sources of temperature-sensitive resistance to Wheat streak mosaic virus (WSMV)identified in the plant pathology program at KSU-ARCH were crossed into elite wheat lines this year. In addition, another new source of temperature-sensitive resistance was identified from the World Germplasm Collection bring the total new temperature-sensitive resistance to 21. Wheat lines previously crossed with temperature-sensitive resistance sources were screened under virus pressure at 18 and 22 degrees C. Plants from this screening will be used for further selection in the upcoming year in the breeding program. Further experiments using virus infection to generate de novo resistance to leaf rust, stripe rust, and WSMV and Triticum mosaic virus (TriMV) were conducted. Host-range analyses of 144 isolates of Triticum mosaic virus (TriMV) collected from Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, and South Dakota were conducted. Two isolates of TriMV from Colorado were determined to have divergent biological behavior when compared to the Kansas 06-123 isolate upon which the virus species was established. We determined how 183 mini-core-sorghum accessions responded to mechanical inoculation with Maize dwarf mosaic virus, Sugarcane mosaic virus strain MDB, Sorghum mosaic virus, Johnsongrass mosaic virus, and Zea mosaic virus. Two accession IS 7679 and IS 20740 were shown to have varying levels of resistance to these viruses. PARTICIPANTS: Dr. Dallas Seifers: Principal investigator for all research and other project functions. Dr. T.J. Martin, KSU-ARCH. Assists in field planting of wheat for analysis of yield effects of critical wheat lines under virus pressure and other virus-related research. Dr. Anna Whitfield, Department of Plant Pathology, Kansas State University. Assists with nucleic acid sequence analysis of High Plains virus isolates. Jeff Ackerman: Research assistant. Assists in conducting all experiments, data collection and lab maintenance. Collaborators: Dr. John Fellers, Department of Plant Pathology, Kansas State University. Assisted in analysis of virus nucleic acid sequences by use of PCR analysis for Triticum mosaic virus and other wheat viruses. Dr. Francisco M. Ochoa Corona. Oklahoma State University, Dept. of Entomology & Plant Pathology. Assist in analysis of nucleic acid sequences of the coat protein of the 07-961 virus. Partner organizations: Steve Haber, Cereal Research Center, Agriculture & AGri-Food Canada, Winnipeg, Canada. Collaborated in research by performing DNA analysis on wheat lines. TARGET AUDIENCES: Wheat growers, wheat milling industry, and the scientific community. PROJECT MODIFICATIONS: None.

Wheat streak mosaic virus (WSMV) infects wheat in western Kansas every year. Crop losses vary from year to year due to changes in populations of the wheat curl mite, the vector of WSMV. Losses can range from the 11.3% observed in 1992 to the 0.01% estimated 2007. We released wheat cultivar 'RonL' with resistance to WSMV and the wheat lines KS96HW10-3 and KS03HW12 at the KSU-Agricultural Research Center-Hays that will reduce losses to WSMV infection. We have identified 21 new sources of WSMV resistance in germplasm lines of Triticum aestivum from the World Germplasm Collection and these lines have been crossed with elite wheat lines each year at KSU-Agricultural Research Center-Hays. These new sources of resistance provide a large genetic base for WSMV resistance in wheat. We continued to use the virus-induced mutation system in wheat and it has successfully been applied to develop de novo leaf and stripe rust resistance in elite wheat lines. Wheat lines with rust resistance will reduce losses to these pathogens. The 20 yr. average losses to leaf rust and stripe rust in wheat are 3.8% and 2.1%, of the total disease losses, respectively. The use of elite wheat lines as a starting point for this research and for crossing of new sources of WSMV resistance from the World Germplasm Collection, allows us to preserve valuable traits accumulated over time by breeders, preventing loss of this invested time.


  • Seifers, D.L., Perumal, R. and Little, C.L. 2012. New sources of resistance in sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] germplasm are effective against a diverse array of potyvirus species. Plant Disease 96:1775-1779.
  • Byamukama, E., Seifers, D.L., Hein, G.L., De Wolf, E., Tissert, N.A., Langham, M.A.C., Osborne, L.E., Timmerman, A., and Wegulo, S. 2012. Occurrence and distribution of Triticum mosaic virus in the Central Great Plains. Plant Dis.97:In Press.

Progress 01/01/11 to 12/31/11

OUTPUTS: During 2011, wheat lines previously crossed with 20 wheat introductions identified in the plant pathology program with temperature-sensitive resistance(TSR)to Wheat streak mosaic virus (WSMV),were screened under virus pressure at 18˚C. Lines with resistant plants are being used for further selection in the upcoming year in the breeding program and will be screened again in the future for reaction to WSMV. Several elite wheat lines previously crossed with sources of TSR were evaluated again at 24˚C and several plants with resistance at this elevated temperature were advanced for seed increase. Further attempts were made to determine the nucleic acid sequence of the coat protein of the 07-061 virus. However, little progress occurred. Studies in wheat concerning the use of the virus infection system to generate de novo resistance to leaf rust, stripe rust, and WSMV and Triticum mosaic virus (TriMV) were conducted. During the second year of a four-year study, approximately 6,700 wheat and grass samples from Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, and South Dakota were analyzed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for infection with the High Plains virus, TriMV, and WSMV to determine the incidence of these viruses in the Great Plains. Approximately, 700 samples from these states were considered to be infected with TriMV. Host-range characteristics and the effect of these isolates on sources of temperature-sensitive to WSMV are being investigated. PARTICIPANTS: Dr. Dallas Seifers: Principal investigator for all research and other project functions. Dr. T.J. Martin, KSU-ARCH. Assists in field planting of wheat for analysis of yield effects of critical wheat lines under virus pressure and other virus-related research. Dr. Anna Whitfield, Department of Plant Pathology, Kansas State University. Assists with nucleic acid sequence analysis of High Plains virus isolates. Jeff Ackerman: Research assistant. Assists in conducting all experiments, data collection and lab maintenance. Collaborators: Dr. John Fellers, Department of Plant Pathology, Kansas State University. Assisted in analysis of virus nucleic acid sequences by use of PCR analysis for Triticum mosaic virus and other wheat viruses. Dr. Francisco M. Ochoa Corona. Oklahoma State University, Dept. of Entomology & Plant Pathology. Assist in analysis of nucleic acid sequences of the coat protein of the 07-961 virus. Partner organizations: Steve Haber, Cereal Research Center, Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada, Winnipeg, Canada. Collaborated in research by performing DNA analysis on wheat lines. Ken Standing, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. Participate in research by conducting time-of-flight mass spectroscopy analyses of viral coat protein amino acid sequences and plant proteins. TARGET AUDIENCES: Wheat growers, wheat milling industry, and the scientific community. PROJECT MODIFICATIONS: None.

Wheat streak mosaic virus (WSMV) causes yearly infection of wheat. The losses from infection with WSMVvary from year to year due to changes in populations of the wheat curl mite, the vector of WSMV. Losses can range from the 11.3% observed in 1992 to the 0.01% estimated 2007. We have released wheat cultivar 'RonL' with resistance to WSMV and the wheat lines KS96HW10-3 and KS03HW12 at the KSU Agricultural Research Center-Hays that will reduce losses to WSMV infection. Since then, we have identified several new sources of WSMV resistance in germplasm lines of Triticum aestivum from the World Germplasm Collection and these lines are being crossed with elite wheat lines each year at KSU-ARCH. These new sources of resistance will provide a large genetic base for this WSMV resistance in wheat. We continued to apply the use of the virus-induced mutation system in wheat and successfully developed de novo leaf and stripe rust resistance in elite wheat lines. Wheat lines with rust resistance will reduce losses to these pathogens. The 20 yr. average losses to leaf rust and stripe rust in wheat are 3.78% and 2.14%, of the total disease losses, respectively. This technique is also being used to try to develop resistance to Triticum mosaic virus in wheat. The use of elite wheat lines as a starting point for this research and for crossing of new sources of WSMV resistance from the World Germplasm Collection, allows us to preserve valuable traits accumulated over time by breeders, preventing loss of this invested time.


  • Liu,W., Seifers,D.L., Qi, L.L., Pumphrey, M.O., Friebe B.*, and Gill, B. S. 2011. A compensating wheat-Thinopyrum intermedium robertsonian translocation conferring resistance to Wheat streak mosaic virus and Triticum mosaic virus. Crop Science 51:2382-2390.
  • Haber, S., Gilbert, J., Seifers, D.L. 2011. Epigenetics serves genetics: Fusarium head blight (FHB) resistance in elite wheat germplasm. The Americas Journal of Plant Science and Technology (Accepted May 2011).
  • Miller, R.A., Martin, T.J., and Seifers, D.L. 2011. Impact of Triticum mosaic virus on hard winter wheat milling and baking quality. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture (Accepted August 1, 2011). ( DOI 10.1002/jsfa.4641
  • Fuentes-Bueno, I., Price, J.A., Rush, C.M., Seifers, D.L. and Fellers, J. P. 2011. Triticum mosaic virus isolates in the southern Great Plains. Plant Disease 95:1516-1519.

Progress 01/01/10 to 12/31/10

OUTPUTS: In 2010, six new sources of wheat identified from the World Germplasm Collection with temperature-sensitive (TSR) to Wheat streak mosaic virus (WSMV)were used in crosses with elite wheat lines making 20 such introductions into the wheat breeding program. Screening of elite wheat lines previously crossed with sources of TSR were evaluated in chambers at 24 degrees C and several plants were identified with resistance at this elevated temperature. Plants of these lines are being grown for seed increase. In 2007, a new virus was isolated from wheat and is currently designated as 07-961. During 2010, a part of the protein sequence of the coat protein of this virus was determined using time-of flight mass spectrometry. Also, research is continuing towards identifying the nucleic acid sequence of the coat protein of the 07-061 virus. Additional studies in wheat concerning the use of the virus infection system to generate de novo resistance to leaf rust, stripe rust, and WSMV and Triticum mosaic virus (TriMV) are continuing. During 2010, over 7,000 wheat and grass samples from Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, and South Dakota were analyzed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for infection with the High Plains virus, TriMV, and WSMV as part of a four year study to identify the incidence of these viruses in these states. TriMV isolates have been isolated from plants originating from each state. Host-range characteristics, biological variability among the TriMV isolates, and the effect of these isolates on sources of WSMV are being determined. PARTICIPANTS: Dr. Dallas Seifers: Principal investigator for all research and other project functions. Dr. T.J. Martin, KSU-ARCH. Assists in field planting of wheat for analysis of yield effects of critical wheat lines under virus pressure and other virus-related research. Dr. Anna Whitfield, Department of Plant Pathology, Kansas State University. Assists with nucleic acid sequence analysis of High Plains virus isolates. Jeff Ackerman: Research assistant. Assists in conducting all experiments, data collection and lab maintenance. Collaborators: Dr. John Fellers, Department of Plant Pathology, Kansas State University. Assisted in analysis of virus nucleic acid sequences by use of PCR analysis for Triticum mosaic virus and other wheat viruses. Dr. Francisco M. Ochoa Corona. Oklahoma State University, Dept. of Entomology & Plant Pathology. Assist in analysis of nucleic acid sequences of the coat protein of the 07-961 virus. Partner organizations: Steve Haber, Cereal Research Center, Agriculture & AGri-Food Canada, Winnipeg, Canada. Collaborated in research by performing DNA analysis on wheat lines. Ken Standing, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. Participate in research by conducting time-of-flight mass spectroscopy analyses of viral coat protein amino acid sequences and plant proteins. TARGET AUDIENCES: Wheat growers, wheat milling industry, and the scientific community. PROJECT MODIFICATIONS: None.

Wheat suffers chronic losses from infection with Wheat streak mosaic virus (WSMV), although these losses vary greatly from year to year due to changes in populations of the wheat curl mite, the vector of WSMV. This fluctuation in losses in wheat to WSMV infection is exemplified by the 11.3%, 11%, 7% and 0.01% estimated losses in 1992, 1993, 2006 and 2007, respectively. The total losses to all disease in these years was:19.3%,19.5%, 8.5%, and 17.8%, respectively. The development and release of the wheat cultivar RonL and the wheat lines KS96HW10-3 and KS03HW12 at the KSU-ARCH with temperature-sensitive resistance to WSMV are the first of several sources of WSMV resistance that we have developed at KSU-ARCH that will reduce losses to WSMV infection. Since the development of these 3 wheat lines, we have identified several new sources of WSMV resistance in germplasm lines of Triticum aestivum from the World Germplasm Collection and these lines have been, and additional ones, are being crossed with elite wheat lines each year at KSU-ARCH. These new sources of resistance to WSMV are critical to provide a large genetic base for this WSMV resistance in wheat. We have continued to apply the use of the virus-induced mutation system in wheat and it has successfully been applied to develop de novo leaf and stripe rust resistance in elite wheat lines. These lines will reduce losses to these rust pathogens. The 20 yr. average losses to leaf rust and stripe rust in wheat are 3.78% and 2.14%, of the total disease losses, respectively. This technique is also being directed towards developing resistance to Triticum mosaic virus in wheat. The use of elite wheat lines as a starting point for this research and for crossing of new sources of WSMV resistance from the World Germplasm Collection, allows us to preserve valuable traits accumulated over time by breeders, preventing loss of this invested time.


  • Seifers, D.L., Martin, T.J., and Fellers, J.P. 2010. An experimental host range for Triticum mosaic virus. Plant Disease 94:1125-1131.

Progress 01/01/09 to 12/31/09

OUTPUTS: New sources of temperature-sensitive resistance (TSR) to Wheat streak mosaic virus (WSMV) were used in crosses with elite wheat lines. An advanced wheat line with TSR was retested in the field at two locations for yield characteristics because of problems with levels of infection in the previous year trial. Host range studies for Triticum mosaic virus (TriMV) were continued. The wheat curl mite (WCM) was demonstrated to transmit the new virus currently designated as 07-96. An antiserum prepared to the 07-961 virus specifically reacted only to it and to symptomatic plants infested with WCM transmitting the virus. Research is continuing towards identifying the nucleic acid sequence of the new 07-961 virus. We have identified leaf rust resistance in elite wheat lines that were originally susceptible to leaf rust using the virus-induced mutation system. Additional studies in wheat concerning the use of the virus infection system to generate de novo resistance to WSMV and TriMV are being conducted. PARTICIPANTS: Dr. Dallas Seifers: Principal investigator for all research and other project functions. Dr. T.J. Martin, KSU-ARCH. Assists in field planting of wheat for analysis of yield effects of critical wheat lines under virus pressure and other virus-related research. Dr. Anna Whitfield, Department of Plant Pathology, Kansas State University. Assists with nucleic acid sequence analysis of High Plains virus isolates. Jeff Ackerman: Research assistant. Assists in conducting all experiments, data collection and lab maintenance. Collaborators: Dr. John Fellers, Department of Plant Pathology, Kansas State University. Assisted in analysis of virus nucleic acid sequences by use of PCR analysis for Triticum mosaic virus and other wheat viruses. Partner organizations: Steve Haber, Cereal Research Center, Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada, Winnipeg, Canada. Collaborated in research by performing DNA analysis on wheat lines. Ken Standing, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. Participate in research by conducting time-of-flight mass spectroscopy analyses of viral coat protein amino acid sequences and plant proteins. TARGET AUDIENCES: Wheat growers, wheat milling industry, and the scientific community. PROJECT MODIFICATIONS: None.

Wheat infected with WSMV suffers losses that are cyclic in nature. This is due to changes in populations of the wheat curl mite, the vector of WSMV. This is illustrated by the collective estimated losses to WSMV in Kansas of 7% and 0.01% in 2006 and 2007, respectively. The cultivar RonL and the wheat lines KS96HW10-3 and KS03HW12 released at the KSU-Agricultural Research Center-Hays have temperature-sensitive resistance to WSMV. We are continuing to identify and cross into elite wheat lines lacking resistance to WSMV, new sources of temperature-sensitive resistance that have been identified from the world wheat germplasm during resistance screening studies conducted in the plant pathology program at KSU-ARCH. The continued crossing of new sources of resistance to WSMV that we have identified at KSU-ARCH is critical to provide a broader genetic base for this WSMV resistance in wheat. The continued refinement of, and use of the virus-induced mutation system has allowed us to identify de novo sources of leaf rust resistance in elite wheat lines that have previously been demonstrated to be susceptible to this pathogen. Using elite lines as a starting point allows us to preserve valuable traits accumulated over time by breeders, preventing loss of this invested time, while developing new traits such as leaf rust resistance, resulting in a faster deployment time to the grower. The importance of this leaf rust resistance is reflected in the disease loss estimates of 17.8% and 4.7% for leaf rust in 2007 and 2008, respectively. The continued identification of virus and fungal resistance in wheat will provide wheat growers cultivars with increased yields under disease pressure.


  • Seifers, D.L., T.J. Martin, T.L. Harvey, S. Haber, W. Ens, and K.G. Standing. 2009. Identification of variants of the High Plains virus in Kansas. Plant Disease 93:In press.
  • Fellers, J.P., D.L. Seifers, T.J. Martin, and M. Ryba-White. 2009. Characterization of the complete sequence of the wheat virus Triticum mosaic virus. Archives of Virology 154:1511-1515.
  • Friebe, B., L.L. Qi, Z.J. Chang, D.L. Seifers, T.J. Martin, A. Fritz, and B.S. Gill. 2009. Wheat-Thinopyrum intermedium recombinants resistant to Wheat streak mosaic virus and Triticum mosaic virus. Crop Sci. 49:1221-1226.

Progress 01/01/08 to 12/31/08

OUTPUTS: New sources of temperature-sensitive resistance (TSR) to Wheat streak mosaic virus were identified this year from the World Wheat Germplasm collection. An advanced wheat line with TSR was tested in the field for yield characteristics for the second year. The second year of field testing of wheat cultivars for yield effects under pressure from Triticum mosaic virus (TriMV) infection was started. The entire nucleic acid sequence of TriMV was determined. Research concerning the host-range of TriMV was started. An antiserum is being prepared to a possible variant (07-961) of the High Plains virus. Research to determine the vector of 07-961 is being conducted. Research was started to determine the nucleic acid sequence of the 07-061 variant. Using viruses as agents to induce phenotypic changes in wheat, we observed leaf rust resistance in wheat cultivars that previously lost resistance to this pathogen. Additional studies concerning this interaction of virus infection and change in phenotype of wheat are being conducted concerning histone modification. PARTICIPANTS: Participants: Dr. Dallas Seifers: Principal investigator for all research and other project functions. Dr. T.J. Martin, KSU-ARCH. Assists in field planting of wheat for analysis of yield effects of critical wheat lines under virus pressure and other virus-related research. Dr. Anna Whitfield, Department of Plant Pathology, Kansas State University. Assists with nucleic acid sequence analysis of High Plains virus isolates should isolates be identified that are of importance. Jeff Ackerman: Research assistant. Assists in conducting all experiments, data collection and lab maintenance. Collaborators: Dr. John Fellers, Department of Plant Pathology, Kansas State University. Assisted in analysis of virus nucleic acid sequences by use of PCR analysis for Triticum mosaic virus. Partner organizations: Steve Haber, Cereal Research Center, Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada, Winnipeg, Canada. Collaborated in research by performing DNA analysis on wheat lines. Ken Standing, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. Participate in research by conducting time-of-flight mass spectroscopy analyses of viral coat protein amino acid sequences and plant proteins. TARGET AUDIENCES: Wheat growers, wheat milling industry, and the scientific community. PROJECT MODIFICATIONS: None.

Losses in wheat yields from infection by Wheat streak mosaic virus (WSMV) (due to fluctuations in the wheat curl mite vector populations), can range from a trace up to 16%. Currently, wheat with resistance to WSMV identified and released at the KSU-ARCH are the cultivar RonL and the wheat lines KS96HW10-3 and KS03HW12. The development of additional sources resistance to WSMV that we have identified at KSU-ARCH is critical to provide a broader genetic base of resistance to WSMV for growers. We are continuing studies using the virus-induced phenotypic change system in wheat to identify fungal resistance. Using this technique, new sources of leaf rust and stem rust resistance have been developed. There are few sources of such resistance and these new sources will help reduce the losses to leaf rust that was estimated at 17.8% of the yield losses in wheat in Kansas in 2007. Thus, the continued development of wheat with WSMV and fungal resistance is important to wheat growers to provide increase yields.


  • Seifers, D.L., T.J. Martin, T.L. Harvey, J.P. Fellers, J.P. Stack, M. Ryba-White, S. Haber, O. Krokhin, V. Spicer, N. Lovat, A. Yamchuck, and K. Standing. 2008. Triticum mosaic virus: A new virus isolated from wheat in Kansas. Plant Disease 92:808-817.
  • Seifers, D.L., T.J. Martin, T.L. Harvey, J.P. Fellers, and J.P. Michaud. 2009. Identification of the wheat curl mite as the vector of Triticum mosaic virus. Plant Disease 93: In Press.
  • Martin, T.J., D.L. Seifers, and A.K. Fritz. 2007. Application for Plant Variety Protection for Danby wheat. Accepted for publication 3/28/2007, certificate number 200700177 issued.
  • Martin, T.J., D.L. Seifers, and A.K. Fritz. 2007. Application for Plant Variety Protection for RonL wheat. Accepted for publication 4/05/2007, certificate number 200700244 issued.

Progress 01/01/07 to 12/31/07

OUTPUTS: Further testing of the new source of temperatures-sensitive resistance to Wheat streak mosaic virus (WSMV) identified earlier in 2007 indicated that this line should be advanced for field testing. Screening of 200 additional wheat germplasm lines from the world collection was started. Research concerning the new virus isolated from wheat in Kansas in 2006 and named Triticum mosaic virus (TriMV) indicates that the wheat curl mite is a vector. Additional studies concerning yield effects on important wheat lines infected by TriMV has been initiated as has additional research concerning the host range and and further vector studies. Additional screening using viruses as agents inducing mutations in wheat are being conducted in several wheat lines with the aim of identifying additional leaf rust and stem rust resistant selections. PARTICIPANTS: Participants: Dr. Dallas Seifers: Principal investigator for all research and other project functions. Dr. T.J. Martin, KSU-ARCH. Assists in field planting of wheat for analysis of yield effects of critical wheat lines under virus pressure and other virus-related research. Dr. Anna Whitfield, Department of Plant Pathology, Kansas State University. Assists with nucleic acid sequence analysis of High Plains virus isolates should isolates be identified that are of importance. Jeff Ackerman: Research assistant. Assists in conducting all experiments, data collection and lab maintenance. Collaborators: Dr. John Fellers, Department of Plant Pathology, Kansas State University. Assisted in analysis of virus nucleic acid sequences by use of PCR analysis for Triticum mosaic virus. Partner organizations: Steve Haber, Cereal Research Center, Agriculture & AGri-Food Canada, Winnipeg, Canada. Collaborated in research by performing DNA analysis on wheat lines. Ken Standing, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. Participate in research by conducting time-of-flight mass spectroscopy analyses of viral coat protein amino acid sequences. TARGET AUDIENCES: Wheat growers , wheat milling industry, scientific community.

The losses in wheat to infection by WSMV are cyclic due to fluctuations in the wheat curl mite vector populations, with estimated losses of 7% and 0.01% in 2006 and 2007, respectively. RonL, released at the KSU-ARCH, is the only resistant cultivar currently available to growers. Thus, the development of the additional sources we have identified is critical to provide a broader genetic base of resistance to WSMV for growers. The continued use and development of the virus-induced mutation system in wheat to identify sources of fungal resistance is being pursued. We have identified new sources of leaf rust and stem rust resistance. This is significant because few sources of such resistance are available, and in 2007 the total disease loss in the wheat crop was estimated at 17.8% of which, 13.9% was due to leaf rust. Thus, development of wheat with WSMV and fungal resistance is important to growers and will provide great economic benefit by reducing losses.


  • No publications reported this period