Source: CORNELL UNIVERSITY submitted to
Sponsoring Institution
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Project No.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Program Code
Project Start Date
Oct 1, 2007
Project End Date
Sep 30, 2010
Grant Year
Project Director
Ahner, B. A.
Recipient Organization
Performing Department
Non Technical Summary
Custom protein production for pharmaceutical or industrial application is achieved predominantly with single-celled microorganisms in expensive bioreactor systems. It is possible to produce many of these proteins in crop plants at lower costs, but the plant production systems are not yet optimized. The purpose of the proposed work is to optimize the environmental conditions for protein expression in plants containing genes introduced for that purpose.
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Goals / Objectives
The main objective of this research is to optimize the expression and accumulation of active transgenic proteins in plants by manipulating the composition of the hydroponic growth medium and some of the greenhouse growth conditions. The ultimate goal is to make protein production in plants cost-competitive with current commercial microbial fermentation systems. In these studies, we will use a transplastomic plant containing the gene for a modified green fluorescent protein (GFP) as a model protein since it is very easy to measure via fluorescence assays. We will determine whether there are temporal changes in total GFP as plants age in the greenhouse and determine the variability among tissues of different ages on the same plant. We will determine how temporary alteration of nutrient availability, in particular nitrogen, changes accumulation and activity of transgenic proteins and determine which chemical forms of nitrogen the most effective for rapid protein synthesis (e.g. ammonia or nitrate). We will also examine the influence of carbon dioxide concentrations on the production of GFP as it is known that elevated carbon dioxide decreases the chloroplast requirement for Rubisco, the most abundant protein in plants. We will determine whether simultaneous removal of nitrogen and an increase of carbon dioxide may further mobilize N from Rubisco as a result of protein recycling. We will then determine the effect of subsequent resupply of N with and without a return to ambient carbon dioxide on GFP expression. In addition we will determine whether high levels of foreign protein can be maintained as the leaves mature by exogenous application of cytokinins. Cytokinins are known to prevent the natural process of leaf senescence which is responsible for the mobilization and flux of nitrogen out of older leaves. If the cytokinins have a positive effect on protein yield we will combine the best nitrogen/carbon dioxide treatment with the cytokinin treatment to optimize protein yield.
Project Methods
Tobacco will be used as a model plant as its chloroplast genome is easily transformed but the research will be generally applicable to other plants species. We will use a tobacco chloroplast-transformant for our experiments that contains a modified green fluorescent protein (GFP; a marker protein that is easily measured) courtesy of Dr. Maureen Hanson (MR220 cv Petite Havana). We will grow GFP-expressing plants under constant light and temperature conditions (photoperiod 18 hours, 280 micromol m-2 s-1, daily light integral of 18 mol d-1 m-2 at a temperature of 26 degrees C). We are using one-half strength modified Hoaglands for hydroponic tobacco growth. We use this as the standard medium but will change specific components as required for our experiments. We will do some initial characterization of variability within the plant as tissues mature and then using this information will develop a sampling strategy that allows us to obtain a measure of the whole plant response to the imposed environmental effects since optimization of total foreign protein accumulation is our primary objective. In the proposed experiments, we will remove nitrogen from the hydroponic medium and then test the relative influence of returning nitrogen to the medium with different amounts of nitrate and ammonia, starting with 9 mM nitrate (one-half strength modified-Hoaglands medium), altering the ratio of ammonia to nitrate from 2% to 20%, 50% and equimolar amounts. We will determine the optimal time of N-deprivation as well as the optimal time following N-application to harvest for the greatest transgenic protein production by sampling daily over the course of 2 or 3 days. Replicates of individual plants will be sacrificed and leaf samples collected from various parts of the plant and frozen at -80 degree C. Total protein will be measured using the Bio-Rad protein assay and GFP will be quantified by fluorescence measurements on a plate reader using a standard curve of purified GFP in wild-type tobacco protein extract. We will also use Western blots to look for degradation products that may still react with anti-GFP antibodies. In our second round of experiments we will test the effect of subsequent N resupply with and without a return to ambient carbon dioxide on foreign gene expression using optimized N conditions determined in first experiment. In the third experiment, we will refine ratios of nitrate and ammonia using the best carbon dioxide manipulation. Carbon dioxide levels will be increased to two-fold higher than ambient (700-800 ppm) by growing plants in a carbon dioxide regulated growth chamber. We will use a commercially available cytokinin called kinetin. Initial tests will determine whether there is any affect on GFP concentration in the oldest plant leaves. Kinetin will be applied to the oldest plant leaves at roughly day 40 and after 5 days, samples will be collected for GFP analysis. If there is a significant positive affect on the accumulation of GFP will begin studies to determine which parts of the plant benefit most from cytokinin application and we will optimize the timing of its application.

Progress 10/01/07 to 09/30/10

OUTPUTS: During the time period covered by this report, activities once again consist primarily of experiments conducted by research associate Dr. Huijun Yang whose salary was in part supported by this grant. The main goal of this project was to examine the production of foreign proteins in plants as an alternative to scale-up production in microbial fermentation systems. We are mostly using tobacco as a model plant as its chloroplast genome is easily transformed, but the research will be generally applicable to other plant species and algae. Indeed, Dr. Yang has generated the necessary tools to insert new gene sequences into two algae species and has begun to generate a collection of mutants for future work on algae projects. Growth and extraction of lipids from algae is viewed as a potentially important technology for biofuel production. Production of high value co-products in algae would improve the economics of biofuel production. Another output of our work during this period was the training of undergraduate students. Dr. Yang worked with three undergraduates Stefan Engst, Michael Melfi and Christine Curtis. Two of these students had no laboratory experience prior to working with Dr. Yang and both were working performing experiments fairly independently by the time they finished working on their projects. Stefan and Christine were trained to assay the activity of the enzymes being produced in the plant tissues and both were trained to perform immunoblots to measure the abundance of a specific protein. Michael has been working with Dr. Yang on the algae project. PARTICIPANTS: PI Ahner worked collaboratively with Research Associate Dr. Huijun Yang to perform experiments described in the summaries and to train undergraduate students to assist with experiments. TARGET AUDIENCES: The target audience for this research project is the scientific community interested in plant biotechnology and biotechnology companies that are seeking to improve enzyme production for biofuel production. PROJECT MODIFICATIONS: Not relevant to this project.

All of the experiments were performed by Dr. Yang, who was partially funded by this Hatch grant, or were performed by my undergraduate students who were trained by Dr. Yang. Materials and supplies for performing the experiments were also purchased with funds from the grant. Experiments focused on the effects of nitrogen availability on the production of a foreign protein in two separate tobacco lines. Both of these new lines contain significantly more foreign protein than the GFP-containing tobacco (GFP stands for green fluorescent protein) that we originally proposed to use. In one tobacco line, we are able to measure high levels of the bacterial cellulase Cel6A, an enzyme which cleaves cellulose polymers into short glucose chains. In the other plant line we are able to measure high levels of the bacterial beta-glucosidase BglC, an enzyme which cleaves cellobiose into two glucose molecules. For both plant lines we are able to quantify the protein with two methods, including immunoblots and enzyme assays. The two measurement techniques yield statistically similar results suggesting that all or nearly all of the protein expressed by the transgenic plant is properly folded and active. As of the submission of this report, we have a paper that describes the BglC expressing plant lines "in press" at Plant Molecular Biology. Both of these enzymes are needed for the conversion of biomass (cellulose) into sugars (glucose), and then the sugars can transformed into biofuel. In order to test the effect of nitrogen availability on foreign protein expression, tobacco seeds from both plant lines (NPTII-BglC or TetC-Cel6A) were sewed into soil (Metromix 360). They were allowed to germinate and then were grown for two weeks in plant growth chamber. After two weeks, seedlings were rinsed gently with water to remove soil attached to the roots, and then were transferred to vermiculite watered with nutrient solution containing different nitrogen levels (a normal concentration typical of a model hydroponic solution, double normal concentration and with no added nitrogen). Seedlings were watered with different nutrient solutions and were grown for another two weeks. One leaf from each plant was collected and three or more leaves were pooled together as one sample. Our experiments revealed that while nitrogen availability had a significant effect on the growth of the seedlings and total protein in the seedling tissue, it did not alter the amount of foreign transgenic protein relative to the total extractable protein. This result is contrary to results published by others on transgenic tobacco seedlings in which the amount of transgenic protein remained high while total protein decreased. In these plants, which were expressing different proteins inserted at a different location in the chloroplast genome, the percent of foreign protein increased as the plants became more nitrogen limited. With our transgenic plants the percent of foreign protein remained constant with decreasing nitrogen. These results will be included in a publication that will be submitted to a peer-reviewed journal.


  • No publications reported this period

Progress 10/01/08 to 09/30/09

OUTPUTS: During the time period covered by this report, activities once again consist primarily of experiments conducted by research associate Dr. Huijun Yang whose salary was in part supported by this grant and by graduate student Benjamin Gray. The main goal of this project is to examine the production of foreign proteins in plants as an alternative to scale-up production in microbial fermentation systems. We are using tobacco as a model plant as its chloroplast genome is easily transformed, but the research will be generally applicable to other plant species. We have continued our experimentation with tobacco chloroplast-transformants that contain the green fluorescent protein (GFP; a marker protein that is easily measured) that we obtained from Dr. Maureen Hanson's laboratory (line MR220 cv Petite Havana). We originally proposed to grow these GFP-expressing plants under constant light and temperature conditions and then to manipulate the composition of the hydroponic growth medium. In particular we proposed to alter the nitrogen content during a time course to see if we could stimulate the production of foreign protein. We also proposed to manipulate the levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide in the plant growth chamber with the aim of reducing the plant requirement for Rubisco, the most abundant protein in plant tissue, and therefore making additional nitrogen-containing protein building blocks available for foreign protein expression. These experiments were delayed during the time period of the proposal as we were waiting for Riley-Robb growth chambers to be available for experiments. During this time period instead we experimented with the cytokinin kinetin to see if this plant hormone could be used to maintain high levels of expressed foreign proteins in plant leaves of varying maturity since we and others have observed decreased protein stability in maturing leaves with some proteins. Both light and dark incubations were performed with leaf discs that had been suspended in buffered water containing 0, 1 and 10 micromolar kinetin for up to five days. Foreign protein levels were measured as a function of time. We used both GFP expressing line MR220 and 22XE2, a transformed tobacco line expressing the bacterial cellulase Cel6A at relatively low levels. We have also worked with new lines of plants as they have been developed in our collaborator's laboratory. These new lines contain significantly more foreign protein than the GFP-containing tobacco that we originally proposed to use. We have measured protein levels in plants that contain the bacterial cellulase Cel6A (several new lines in addition to 22XE2 mention above) and the bacterial beta-glucosidase BglC. We have developed experimental strategies for sampling and assaying the enzymes in these plants in preparation for when the growth chamber experiments are to be performed. PARTICIPANTS: Research associate Dr. Huijun Yang and fifth year graduate student Benjamin Gray worked on this project. Gray completed his PhD in June 2009. TARGET AUDIENCES: Nothing significant to report during this reporting period. PROJECT MODIFICATIONS: Nothing significant to report during this reporting period.

The experiments funded by this grant during the time period covered and described in this report have resulted in a few interesting and publishable findings. In order for transgenic plants to be optimized for foreign protein expression we must understand how various external environmental variables and or chemical enhancers will influence protein accumulation. During the time period of this report we investigated the effects of one such chemical enhancer. In this set of experiments we used leaf tissues from two different transgenic lines expressing two entirely different proteins- GFP and Cel6A, the former being very stable in as leaves mature and the latter decreasing significantly as a percent of the total protein as the leaves mature. We found that low concentrations of the plant cytokinin kinetin can delay protein degradation in floating leaf discs for up to five hours whereas high concentrations accelerate the loss of protein compared to controls where no kinetin is added. These experiments will be repeated with new transgenic plant tissues and the effect of in vivo kinetin application will also be explored. Graduate student Benjamin Gray completed his thesis and received his Ph.D. in June 2009.


  • No publications reported this period

Progress 10/01/07 to 09/30/08

OUTPUTS: Activities consist primarily of experiments conducted by the research associate Dr. Huijun Yang and graduate student Benjamin Gray who have been supported by this grant with materials and supplies during the period of the grant. The main goal of our project is to examine the production of foreign proteins in plants as an alternative to production in microbial fermentation systems. We are using tobacco as a model plant as its chloroplast genome is easily transformed, but the research will be generally applicable to other plant species. We have done our initial experiments with tobacco chloroplast-transformants that contain the green fluorescent protein (GFP; a marker protein that is easily measured) that we obtained from Dr. Maureen Hanson's laboratory (MR220 cv Petite Havana). We proposed to grow these GFP-expressing plants under constant light and temperature conditions and then to manipulate the composition of the hydroponic growth medium. In particular we proposed to alter the nitrogen content during a time course to see if we could stimulate the production of foreign protein. We also proposed to manipulate the levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide in the plant growth chamber with the aim of reducing the plant requirement for Rubisco, the most abundant protein in plant tissue, and therefore making additional nitrogen-containing protein building blocks available for foreign protein expression. Initial experiments with nitrogen removal at various time intervals followed by various intervals of nitrogen re-supply have yielded results that are fairly ambiguous and we found a great deal of variability among replicates. Plants that experienced nitrogen removal have measurably less biomass than those receiving full nitrogen throughout the experiment, therefore small increases in the amount of foreign protein that may be affected by this particular nutrient manipulation may be outweighed by a decrease in total biomass. These experiments are being repeated to clarify our results. We are making significant progress toward the goals established in the original proposal. We are also beginning experiments with plants that contain the bacterial cellulase Cel6A since the levels of foreign protein produced in some of these newer plant lines exceeded those of the GFP-containing tobacco that we originally proposed to use. This plant material is also available from a collaboration with Dr. Hanson. The highest of these is a plant that expresses the cellulase with a particular short peptide on the beginning of the protein. We have determined that the activity of this enzyme is unaltered due to this fusion and that the level of protein appears to peak in mature leaves with only a slight decrease as the leaves become senescent. Experiments in greenhouses under various conditions of temperature and light with this plant line are underway. PARTICIPANTS: Nothing significant to report during this reporting period. TARGET AUDIENCES: Nothing significant to report during this reporting period. PROJECT MODIFICATIONS: Nothing significant to report during this reporting period.

We have just completed the first year of this project therefore we have not yet entirely achieved our proposed outcomes. We are making significant progress toward our goals and have altered experimental design as described above as we analyze the data from initial experiments. We have established a collaboration with the NYS company CEA Systems together with other researchers here at Cornell and expect that our results will inform how their projects proceed.


  • No publications reported this period