Sponsoring Institution
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Project No.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Program Code
Project Start Date
Jul 1, 2008
Project End Date
Jun 30, 2010
Grant Year
Project Director
Hart, S.
Recipient Organization
Performing Department
Non Technical Summary
The primary objective of this research is to use the natural variation in strontium (Sr) isotope ratios to better understand nutrient cycling in pinon-juniper (PJ) woodlands during soil and ecosystem development from volcanic cinders. The analysis of the 87Sr/86Sr isotopic ratios in the vegetation, soil, and dust inputs across a gradient of sites with different soil ages will address two questions that will significantly enhance our understanding of the functioning of a dominant vegetation type in the American Southwest: 1) What is the importance of dust to the maintenance and sustainability of PJ woodlands as soils age; and 2) How will the soil depth at which nutrients are acquired by plants change as soils age This research is pivotal for improving the science and management of wildland ecosystems and their components in the American Southwest for several reasons. First, PJ woodlands are by far the most poorly studied forested ecosystem of the Southwest, even though they occupy more area than any other forest type in Arizona (over 3.5 million hectares or 46% of all forest land in the state). Second, plant communities developed on volcanic cinders are excellent barometers of climate change because these soils tend to be relatively droughty and nutrient poor compared to other parent materials from which soils develop in this region. Hence, short-term knowledge of the controlling factors of these environmentally sensitive ecosystems should provide valuable insight on how other, less stressed ecosystems of the Southwest may respond to changing climates over longer time periods. Finally, this research will allow comparisons of the structure and function of a major ecosystem of the Southwest with those of other ecosystems worldwide. Such comparisons of ecosystems across regions are vital for the development of adaptive strategies for the sound, scientifically based management of forests and other wildlands.
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Goals / Objectives
The overarching objective of this research is to use the natural variation in strontium (Sr) isotope ratios to explore patterns of biogeochemical cycling of calcium (Ca) and other cation nutrients during soil and ecosystem development. The analysis of the 87Sr/86Sr isotopic ratios in the vegetation, soil, and dust inputs across a soil age gradient (the Substrate Age Gradient of Arizona, or SAGA) will address two hypotheses that will significantly enhance our current understanding of the function of a dominant vegetation type in the American Southwest: Hypothesis 1: The relative contribution of dust input to soil nutrient pools and nutrient uptake by vegetation will increase with ecosystem development. Hypothesis 2: The mean depth of nutrient uptake by vegetation will decrease with ecosystem development This research is pivotal for improving the science and management of wildland ecosystems and their components in the American Southwest for several reasons. First, PJ woodlands are by far the most poorly studied forested ecosystem of the Southwest, even though they occupy more area than any other forest type in Arizona (over 3.5 million hectares or 46% of all forest land in the state). Second, plant communities developed on volcanic cinders are excellent barometers of climate change because these soils tend to be relatively droughty and nutrient poor compared to other parent materials in this region. Hence, short-term knowledge of the controlling factors of these environmentally sensitive ecosystems should provide valuable insight on how other, less stressed ecosystems of the Southwest may respond to changing climates or increases in N deposition over longer time periods. Finally, this research will allow comparisons of the structure and function of a major ecosystem of the Southwest with those of other ecosystems worldwide. Such comparisons of ecosystems across regions are vital for the development of adaptive strategies for the sound, scientifically based management of forests and other wildlands.
Project Methods
At each of the four sites of contrasting ages across SAGA, we will measure the Sr isotopic ratio of the basalt cinder parent material and the dust input (via wet and dry deposition). Dust collection is inherently difficult, so we will use two different methods to sample dust. We will install three "dust traps" at each site. The dust traps consist of a Teflon-coated angel food cake pan containing glass marbles placed on galvanized mesh cloth, suspended at a 2 m height above the ground surface. Dust is sampled periodically by washing the pan and contents with deionized water and collecting the suspension in polyethylene bottles. We will also measure dust inputs by using 10 bulk precipitation and throughfall collectors (10 under pinon pine canopies and 10 under juniper canopies), similar to the design we have successfully employed at the youngest site. Tree canopies are known to be more efficient collectors of atmospheric dust than artificial dust traps because of the greater surface areas of trees. Previous work at Sunset Crater has shown that Ca inputs under pinon canopies (presumably the majority coming from dust) are two-fold greater than Ca inputs in the open (i.e., collected in bulk precipitation samplers). Both of these collectors will measure total deposition of Sr, which includes Sr contained in dust as well as Sr dissolved in solution; however, the vast majority of the atmospheric Sr input (as well as other cations) in these semi-arid ecosystems is likely dust-derived. At each of five soil pits within each site, we already have collected: one pinon pine foliage sample using a composite of needles of all age classes; a tree bole wood increment core; a composite (horizontally across the pit face) soil sample from each of three soil depths (upper: 0-10 cm, mid: 70-80 cm, and lower: 140-160 cm), and one composite soil sample from pedogenic soil carbonates (from calcic horizons > 70 cm). Additionally, as part of this research effort, we will sample the other two canopy types of these ecosystems, juniper and intercanopy bunch grasses, and the soil underneath them. Soil samples will be collected using a bucket auger at the same depths used for the soil pits, and juniper and intercanopy vegetation will be samples in a similar manner as done previously with pinon pine (intercanopy shrubs, mainly Fallugia paradoxa and Rhus trilobata, instead of bunchgrasses will be sampled at Sunset Crater because of the dominance of shrubs in the intercanopy spaces at this site). Strontium isotope analyses will be conducted by Dr. Michael Ketterer with a VG Axiom MC multiple collector ICPMS in the Department of Chemistry at Northern Arizona University. This method agrees favorably with TIMS-analyzed Sr isotopes (M. Ketterer, personal communication; comparative data on file). Sources of ecosystem and soil uptake strontium will be calculated using isotope mixing models.

Progress 07/01/08 to 06/30/10

OUTPUTS: Outputs: Atmospheric inputs of plant nutrients to ecosystems are important for terrestrial ecosystem development, but few studies have evaluated how these nutrient additions vary in importance during pedogenesis. The primary objective of this project was to determine how atmospheric nutrient inputs contribute to vegetation and soils in semi-arid ecosystems of markedly different substrate age. This study was conducted on a semi-arid substrate age gradient in northern Arizona and consists of substrates aged 1,000 y, 55,000 y, 750,000 y, and 3,000,000 y. We analyzed canopy throughfall amounts and chemistry from underneath Pinus edulis and Juniperus monosperma trees, and compared these values with those measured in bulk precipitation, to determine the effects of tree species, season, and substrate age on atmospheric nutrient inputs. Additionally, measurements of Sr isotope (87Sr/86Sr) values of soils, dust, and vegetation (Pinus edulis) were applied to a mixing model to determine whether the contribution of atmospheric versus parent material sources of Sr to vegetation varied with substrate age. Comparisons of Sr isotopic values throughout the soil profile were also compared with 87Sr/86Sr values of vegetation to determine how the depth of nutrient uptake by vegetation varied with substrate age. We need to conduct some additional chemical analyses before submitting the final manuscript for publication in 2011. PARTICIPANTS: Nothing significant to report during this reporting period. TARGET AUDIENCES: Nothing significant to report during this reporting period. PROJECT MODIFICATIONS: Not relevant to this project.

Canopy interception was similar between P. edulis and J. monosperma trees of similar size but differed between seasons, with greater interception of precipitation during the summer/fall (mostly as rain) than during the winter/spring (mostly as snow). Fluxes of Ca2+, Mg2+, and K+ in throughfall were elevated relative to bulk precipitation values at all sites. Fluxes of NH4+-N were generally lower underneath canopies than in bulk precipitation at the two youngest sites and the oldest site. The contribution of nutrient sources to P. edulis trees and soils shifted from primarily weathered sources of Sr on young substrates, to primarily atmospheric sources of Sr on older substrates. The Sr isotopic data also provided evidence for deeper uptake of Sr with increasing substrate age. My results suggest that a relative shift in precipitation type from snow to rain, as predicted by climate models in the future, could reduce soil water availability and increase vegetation stress without any concomitant change in precipitation amount. The high fluxes of Ca2+, Mg2+, and K+ under tree canopies relative to bulk precipitation suggests that canopy impaction of dry deposition and canopy leaching are significant processes in these semi-arid ecosystems, and likely contribute to the development of "islands of fertility" commonly found in arid regions. The shift from weathered sources of rock-derived nutrients on younger substrates to atmospheric sources on older substrates is consistent with observations from humid regions. Taken together, our results contribute to the advancement and unification of biogeochemical theory by demonstrating atmospheric nutrient inputs play similar roles in terrestrial ecosystems irrespective of climate.


  • No publications reported this period

Progress 01/01/09 to 12/31/09

OUTPUTS: The overarching objective of this proposal is to use the natural variation in strontium (Sr) isotope ratios as a tracer for patterns of biogeochemical cycling of calcium (Ca) and other cation nutrients across a three million year-old soil chronosequence (i.e., substrate age gradient) in a semi-arid woodland of the Southwest. Like Ca, Sr is a divalent alkaline earth metal with a similar ionic radius, allowing Sr to substitute for Ca in minerals. The soil profile is a gradient of soil development with the oldest soil material generally at the surface where weathering processes are most intense. This results in a hypothetical gradient of decreasing 87Sr/86Sr ratios from the surface to depth within a soil profile. Variation in soil 87Sr/86Sr can then be applied to the vegetation Sr signature via mixing models to determine the contribution of Sr pools at various soil depths to overall elemental uptake by vegetation. The analysis of the 87Sr/86Sr isotopic ratio in the vegetation, soil, and dust inputs across the soil chronosequence will address two hypotheses that will significantly enhance our previous research along this ecosystem gradient, as well as increase our current understanding of the function of a dominant vegetation type in the American Southwest: Hypothesis 1: The relative contribution of dust input to soil nutrient pools and nutrient uptake by vegetation will increase with ecosystem development. Hypothesis 2: The mean depth of nutrient uptake by vegetation will decrease with ecosystem development. We are also measuring nutrient inputs in dry plus wet (bulk) deposition and crown throughfall (under pinon and juniper trees) using funnel collectors as an additional estimate of nutrient inputs across this gradient. Below summarizes our work in the first year and a half of the two-year project. Dust, bulk precipitation, and throughfall collectors were established at the 4 sites across the soil chronosequence in the summer/fall 2008. Since that time, dust was collected seasonally and precipitation and throughfall water samples were collected on an individual precipitation event basis. Bulk precipitation and throughfall collections ceased after one year, and the final dust collection will be made spring 2010. Soil samples were used that had been collected from soil pits in 2006 and vegetation samples (leaves and tree wood from increment cores) were collected in the fall 2009. Bulk precipitation samples were analyzed for cations and anions using ion chromatography and total N and P via digestion/spectrophotometry. In most cases for soil, both extractable and total Sr and 87Sr/86Sr isotopic ratios were analyzed. For dust and vegetation samples, only total pools were analyzed for Sr and 87Sr/86Sr isotopic ratios. In 2010, chemical analyses will be completed, data analyzed, and two manuscripts will be prepared for publication and a M.S. thesis will be submitted for approval. One M.S. student, Ashley Emerson, is supported by this project. She anticipates defending her thesis in the spring 2010. PARTICIPANTS: Not relevant to this project. TARGET AUDIENCES: Not relevant to this project. PROJECT MODIFICATIONS: Not relevant to this project.

This research is pivotal to the management of southwestern woodlands for several reasons. First, pinon-juniper (PJ) woodlands are by far the most poorly studied forested ecosystem of the Southwest, even though they occupy more area than any other forest type in Arizona (over 3.5 million hectares or 46% of all forest land in the state). Second, plant communities developed on volcanic cinders such as the soils of this soil chronosequence are excellent barometers of climate change because these soils tend to be relatively droughty and nutrient poor compared to other parent materials in this region. Hence, short-term knowledge of the controlling factors of these environmentally sensitive ecosystems should provide valuable insight on how other, less stressed ecosystems of the Southwest may respond to changing climates or increases in nitrogen deposition over longer time periods. Finally, this research will allow comparisons of the structure and function of a major ecosystem of the Southwest with those of other ecosystems worldwide. Such comparisons of ecosystems across regions are vital for the development of adaptive strategies for the sound, scientifically based management of forests and other wildlands.


  • No publications reported this period