Source: MICHIGAN STATE UNIV submitted to
Sponsoring Institution
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Project No.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Program Code
Project Start Date
Sep 1, 2011
Project End Date
Aug 31, 2015
Grant Year
Project Director
Grieshop, M.
Recipient Organization
Performing Department
Non Technical Summary
This Coordinated Agricultural Project proposal creates a multidisciplinary, multi-institutional research and extension team from three of the major fruit-producing states to develop, evaluate, and deliver resource-efficient, innovative management technologies and tactics for apple and cherry production systems. It will establish innovative delivery technologies for canopy and orchard floor inputs (including high efficiency irrigation systems, precision-activated micro-emitters, and reduced risk pesticides) to address critical fruit production needs as identified by commodity PMSPs and the Technology Roadmap for Tree Fruit Production. These needs include: improved protective spray application accuracy and timeliness; enhanced efficacy of reduced-risk and biopesticide materials; optimized plant nutrient delivery; reduced labor and fuel requirements; and increased capability to protect crops from adverse climatic events, such as spring frosts, summer heat, and rain-induced fruit-cracking. Direct outcomes of system implementation that will be analyzed include: economic (enhanced fruit yields and quality, reduced labor and energy costs, reduced agrichemical costs, and improved crop management decision-making) and agroecosystem (enhanced natural control of insect and disease pests, improved pollinator services, and reduced spray drift) impacts. Sociological research will focus on how these integrated technologies impact urban-farm relations, barriers to grower adoption, and how these factors can inform better extension and educational programmatic efforts. Fruit industry stakeholders, including commodity group leaders, growers, and consultants, have been essential to project development and have committed >$2.6 million in matching funds. The project addresses legislatively mandated SCRI focus areas 2-5.
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Goals / Objectives
Long-term Goals: A transdisciplinary research and extension team from key fruit producing states will develop, evaluate, and optimize resource-efficient solid-set canopy delivery systems for multiple critical uses by tree fruit producers. Our long-term goal is to better manage and apply water-based chemical inputs, and reduce labor and fuel costs, enabling tree fruit producers to remain globally competitive and environmentally responsible. Specific Project Objectives: 1) Develop, engineer, and optimize solid-set canopy delivery (SSCD) systems for orchard-scale use and materials delivery (including direct injection vs. common tank pre-mixes, orchard piping hydraulics, residue management and re-capture of spray materials, and economies of scale) 2) Integrate and evaluate SSCD systems with innovative apple and cherry pest management technologies that are economically and environmentally sustainable (including canopy applications [insecticides, fungicides, pheromones] and soil inputs [bio- and other pesticides]) 3) Integrate and evaluate SSCD systems with innovative apple and cherry horticultural tech-nologies that are economically and environmentally sustainable (including canopy application inputs [foliar nutrients and plant growth regulators], soil inputs [nutrients and herbicides], and climate modification [protection from spring frosts, sunburn, fruit cracking, fruit doubling, etc.]) 4) Determine the impact of SSCD-based management practices on ecosystem services in SSCD and grower comparison plots 5) Determine the economic impacts of optimized, integrated SSCD technologies on apple and cherry production system components and resultant ecosystem service values 6) Determine the sociological benefits of, and barriers to, grower adoption of optimized, integrated SSCD technologies into their production systems 7) Develop and deliver extension and education activities and materials to increase producer knowledge and adoption of optimized, integrated SSCD technologies
Project Methods
OBJECTIVE 1: In general, Years 1 and 2 will focus on the engineering aspects of the spray delivery systems' construction and operation at the university trial sites, while two grower sites also will be initiated in MI and one in NY. Years 2 and 3 will focus on refining system engineering parameters and optimizations for specific pest and horticultural management objectives, while adding additional grower sites in MI, NY, and WA. Years 3-5 will focus on expanded adaptations to a variety of commercial orchard tasks and operations, and evaluation of efficacy as well as grower adoption factors. Objective 2: In years three through five the best SSCD system(s) will be established in 3 to 5 acre plots within orchards of collaborating growers. These plots will be used to directly compare the performance of the SSCD system with standard approaches for horticultural and pest control activities. Objective 3:During the first two years of the study, SSCD installation and operating parameters will be engineered and tested as described in Objective 1 for analysis of the interactions between tree canopy architectures, emitter characteristics, and optimized spray distribution. Objective 4: We propose to measure the impact of the SSCDS system on ecosystem services through the use of Functional Ecology (FE) methodology as well as measurements of specific ecosystem services within the experimental orchards. Objective 5: The project economic team will visit and interview participating growers, learning about their current record-keeping practices, strategies and goals, with particular attention to identifying economic variables that directly inform grower decisions. Based on these findings, Miller will develop and deliver a set of data log and summary forms and training protocols for use by participating growers and university research technicians. Objective 6.: To measure the transition of the targeted industries toward more sustainable management practices, a baseline of practices will be developed for apple and cherry growers in all participating states. Ongoing outreach and extension activities will be evaluated on a yearly basis, and the change in management practices will be documented at the end of the project. Data will be collected through grower surveys in January 2012, using the 2011 growing-season as the baseline. Objective 7: Since education must be locally relevant and applicable, we will take a combined approach of using traditional local extension with online media through seven objectives: 1. Create a dynamic website applicable to growers across national production areas 2. Create written extension publications, newsletters, grower articles and videos 3. Collaborate with pertinent eXtension communities of practice 4. Conduct field days locally in each region 5. Present at high-impact grower meetings 6. Conduct workshops on the SSCD that comprehensively cover establishment, pest management, ecosystem functions, and economics 7. Assess impact and modify extension activities accordingly

Progress 09/01/11 to 08/31/15

Target Audience:Fellow agricultural scientists Extension Educators Farmers Agricultural Industry Representatives Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?One graduate student and multiple undergraduate students received training as part of project activities. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?Results have been disseminated through more than 5 posters and presentations made at grower meetings and professional conferences in 2014 and 2015 including an invited seminar at the University of Minnesota and an EPA field tour. The project has continued to be highlighted in multiple trade publications. Project Final Newsletter and Publications:A final project newsletter report and publication highlighting pest managment are under development by Dr. Grieshop and the new project graduate student. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals? Nothing Reported

What was accomplished under these goals? The final year of our project took place entriely in MI and centered around the collection of Apple pest management data in Fall of 2014 and the refinement of SSCDS designs at the Clarksville Research Center and at a collaborating grower site. MSU Season Long Trial in Apples: We finished collecting and analyzing data from the 2014 year. Apple protection in the SSCDS plots was equivalent to the airblast sprayer plots with statistical differences limited to between SSCDS and Airblast treated trees compared with untreated controls. This second year of data confirms that our proof of concept system is capable of protecting fruit grown under MI conditions. MSU SSCDS 2.0 system: Beginning in winter of 2014 we began developing new microsprayer fittings with Jain Irrigation and Trickl-eez. These components were produced in Summer of 2015 at the Clarksville Research Center SSCDS test orchard. This system consists of fittings using a bayonet linkage to prevent blowouts and three microsprayers being fed by a single pressure check valve - lowering system costs. This system has been established using 0.4 acre block replicates. The new system is being evaluated for coverage and this research is being funded by grants provided by MI commodity groups and MSU Project GREEEN. Grower based SSCDS 2.0 system: A collaborating grower in MI has established a test SSCDS system on a 2 acre apple orchard. This SSCDS consists of a side by side comparison of the SSCDS 2.0 system described above and a reservoir based system utlilizing 0.3 liter reservoirs feeding each microsprayer array. This system is being completed in early September and we will begin coverage evaluations in early October 2015. Establishement of a privately funded SSCDS system represents a major project success as this indicates that the system is viewed as adoptable by tree fruit producers.


  • Type: Other Status: Published Year Published: 2015 Citation: Matthew Grieshop, Larry Gut, John Wise, Paul Owen Smith, George Sundin, Steve Miller, Jim Flore, Greg Lang, and Ron Perry. 2015. Development of Solid Set Delivery Systems for High Density Apples. New York State Fruit Quarterly. Summer 2015.

Progress 09/01/13 to 08/31/14

Target Audience: Fellow agricultural scientists Extension Educators Farmers Agricultural Industry Representatives Policy makers Changes/Problems: We requested a no cost extension to allow us to finish collecting and analyzing data from the 2014 field season in Michigan. This was necessary due to the statewide apple and cherry crop failure of 2012. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided? One graduate student and multiple undergraduate students received training as part of project activities. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest? Results have been disseminated through more than 10 posters and presentations made at grower meetings and professional conferences in 2013 and 2014. The project has been highlighted in multiple trade publications. We also produced a 2nd year newsletter style report for stakeholder groups and are maintaining a website at Project field days were completed in MI. A final newsletter report will be drafted in the next year that summarizes the total project. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals? Pursue competitive grant funding to supplement the remaining (no-cost extension) project funds. Expand trials to evaluate coverage and operation of SSCDS over 1/3 to ½ acre field plots. Produce a final newsletter and additional research and extension publications and presentations.

What was accomplished under these goals? Activites: MSU and WSU Canopy Coverage: 2012 canopy coverage trials were repeated at MSU project field sites. We utilized water sensitive cards facing either up or down to measure top and bottom leaf coverage. We also evaluated the coverage produced by 5 different microsprayer arrangements at the MSU site. MSU Season Long Trials in Apples: We collected data on season long CM (MSU and WSU), OBLR (MSU), apple scab (MSU) management and yields among SSCDS, airblast and untreated control plots at the Clarksville Research Center (CRC [MSU]). New York Apple: Test plots were further established in a 1.1-acre section of a super-spindle apple orchard. MSU Cherry: We collected season long horticultural information in a hightunnel cherry planting located at CRC. MSU Canopy Cooling for Bloom Delay: Established experimental plots assessing how computer controlled applications of water during pre bloom affected bloom phenology at a sweet cherry site and two apple sites. WSU Plant Growth Regulators: Continued experiment evaluating the delivery of plant growth regulators to cherries, comparing SSCDS applications to air blast. WSU Summer Cooling for Apple Sunburn Prevention: Summer canopy cooling was compared to commercially available cooling systems at SRO. Sociology and Economics: Additional economic data were collected to compare SSCDS systems with airblast systems. Results: MSU Canopy Coverage: The SSCDS was better than the airblast with higher coverage on the tops of leaves and more dye deposition than in the airblast plots. The microsprayer arrangements evaluated indicated that microsprayers consisting of two vertically oriented sprayer bodies placed both in the center and top of the canopy on ¼” tubes provided the most consistent coverage, but required substantially more pressure to activate. MSU Season Long Trial in Apples: Fruit protection in the SSCDS plots was equivalent to the airblast sprayer plots. Data were still being collected at the time of this report due to an unusually cool summer and late harvest dates. Fireblight was not measurable in the orchard in 2014. New York Apple: Completed construction of the SSCD system in a 1.1-acre section of a super-spindle dwarf (M.9) apple orchard in its 5th leaf, in Wolcott (Wayne Co.), NY. Preliminary coverage data were collected but were inconclusive. MSU Cherry: Use of the SSCD system for routine pest control in 2013 led to variable coverage and significant areas of black cherry aphid infestation as well as cherry leaf spot. “Matching microemitter spray delivery characteristics to varying tree architectures remains a key objective for on-going and future research. MSU Canopy Cooling for Bloom Delay: Bloom was delayed between 5-10 days in SSCDS plots compared to untreated plots for both cherries and apples. Fruit set and harvest date was not affected. The test system used 80% less water compared to impact sprinklers used for the same purpose. WSU Summer Cooling for Apple Sunburn Prevention: Both standard cooling and SSCDS prevented sunburn. Ambient air temp was lower during the morning and early afternoon in rows cooled with SSCDS compared to standard cooling, but warmer in the later afternoon. A higher volume of water may be needed for effective SSCDS canopy cooling during the hottest part of the day. Sociology and Economics: Partial budget analysis indicates that the prototype system will cost at $69 per acre compared with $36 per acre for an airblast sprayer, over the lifetime of the system. A refined system was estimated to cost $49 per acre based on the expectation of the development of specialized equipment. This estimate does not take into account the potential additional benefits of canopy cooling to delay bloom and protect from frost events or protect fruit from sunburn.


  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2013 Citation: Lang, G.A. 2013. Tree fruit production in high tunnels: current status and case study of sweet cherries. Acta Hort. 987:73-81.
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2014 Citation: Sharda, A., M. Karkee, Q. Zhang, I. Ewlanow, U. Adameit, and J. Brunner. Effect of emitter type and mounting configuration on spray coverage for solid set canopy delivery system. Computers and Electronics in AgricultureAvailable at (verified 15 October 2014).

Progress 09/01/12 to 08/31/13

Target Audience: Tree fruit growers/farms Agricultural Scientists Irrigation, Pesticide, Sprayer manufacturers Extension Educators Changes/Problems: Applied for and received a 1 year no cost extension due to the 2012 frost induced crop-failure at MSU and Cornell sites. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided? This project has invovled two post doctoral associates three graduate students and may undergraduates, providing them with real world training and experience. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest? Results have been disseminated through more than 15 posters and presentations made at grower meetings and professional conferences in 2012 and 2013. The project has been highlighteed in multiple trade publications. We also produced a 1st year newsletter style report for stakeholder groups and are maintaining a website at Project field days were completed in all three states. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals? Pursue competitive grant funding to supplement the remaining (no-cost extension) project funds. Repeat field long efficacy trials Repeat canopy-cooling trials

What was accomplished under these goals? Activites: MSU and WSU Canopy Coverage: 2012 canopy coverage trials were repeated at both MSU and WSU project field sites. We utilized water sensitive cards facing either up or down to measure top and bottom leaf coverage. Tartrazine dye to measure actual product deposition and laboratory bioassays testing field aged residues of insecticides impact on CM (WSU) and OBLR (WSU and MSU). MSU and WSU Season Long Trials in Apples: We collected data on season long CM (MSU and WSU), OBLR (MSU), apple scab (MSU), powdery mildew (WSU), fireblight (MSU) management and yields among SSCDS, airblast and untreated control plots at the Clarksville Research Center (CRC [MSU]) and Sunrise Research Orchard (SRO [WSU]). WSU Plant Chemical Thinners in Apples: We repeated chemical thinning studies in Gala and Fuji apple at SRS. New York Apple: Test plots were further established in a 1.1-acre section of a super-spindle apple orchard. MSU Cherry: We collected season long horticultural information in a hightunnel cherry planting located at CRC. WSU Cherry Plant Growth Regulators: Chemical thinning and GA3 applications in sweet cherry were compared among controls, SSCDS applied and airblast applied plots. MSU Canopy Cooling for Bloom Delay: Established experimental plots assessing how computer controlled applications of water during pre bloom affected bloom phenology at a sweet cherry site and two apple sites. WSU Summer Cooling for Apple Sunburn Prevention: Summer canopy cooling was compared to commercially available cooling systems at SRO. MSU SSCDS Mating Disruption Experiment: Experiments were conducted in apples to evaluate the effectiveness of CM and OFM mating disruption. 3 pheromone formulations were tested; 1) commercially available microencapsulated (MEC) pheromone for CM or OFM and 2) experimental sub-microencapsulated (SMEC) pheromone for CM. Pheromone formulations were tested at both a high and low rate. WSU Microsprayer engineering: Tests were conducted to: optimize emitter configuration and operating pressure in super spindle apple orchards, quantify time required to achieve target coverage when using SSCD systemand to investigate the feasibility of using Leaf Wetness Sensors (LWS) to quantify spray coverage. Sociology and Economics: Baseline surveys of practices for New York apples and Washington cherries were done. For the urban edge study, we made site visits to Chelan County, WA and Monroe County, NY. We also conducted observations at field days in Michigan, New York and Washington, and collected feedback from Michigan attendees. Results: MSU and WSU Canopy Coverage: The SSCDS was better than the airblast with higher coverage on the tops of leaves and more dye deposition than in the airblast plots. The bioassays showed that both application systems controlled OBLR. In contrast to MSU data, SSCDS at WSU apples produced poorer coverage compared to airblast sprayers on water sensitive cards and no difference was detected when comparing tartrazine dye deposition. In OBLR lab bioassays both SSCDS and airblast treatments provided control of the OBLR larvae; however the airblast was better than the SSCDS. For CM lab experiments, both airblast and SSCDS treatments provided control. MSU Season Long Trial in Apples: Fruit protection in the SSCDS plots was equivalent to the airblast sprayer plots. An average of 12.8%, 1.5% and 2.8% fruit had CM damage in the control, SSCDS and airblast plots, respectively. An average of 11%, 3% and 3% OBLR damage was detected in the control, SSCDS and airblast plots respectively. Apple scab infection data in the SSCD plots and air blast plots was not different (2.6% and 2.1%, respectively) but was different from the non-treated control (16.7%). Fireblight was not measurable in the orchard in 2013. WSU Season Long Trial in Apples: Fruit injury evaluations at the end of the second CM generation revealed that both SSCDS and Airblast treatments significantly reduced CM injured fruit relative to the untreated control; however, the airblast treatment was significantly better than SSCDS. Similar to CM control SSCDS systems provided significant control of powdery mildew compared to control plots but significantly lower control compared to airblast plots. WSU Chemical Thinners in Apples: 2013 fruit set was numerically reduced compared to the untreated control by both application methods. 2013 return bloom was signficanlty higher in Fuji airblast plots compared to SSCDS Fuji plots. Fruit size was similarly improved by 2012 thinning treatments for both SSCDS and airblast plots for both cultivars, although the results were not statistically significant in Fuji. New York Apple: Completed construction of the SSCD system in a 1.1-acre section of a super-spindle dwarf (M.9) apple orchard in its 5th leaf, in Wolcott (Wayne Co.), NY. Unanticipated delays in acquiring and installing these modifications prevented any further assays using this system for the remainder of the 2013 growing season. MSU Cherry: Use of the SSCD system for routine pest control in 2013 led to variable coverage and significant areas of black cherry aphid infestation as well as cherry leaf spot. “Matching microemitter spray delivery characteristics to varying tree architectures remains a key objective for on-going and future research. WSU Cherry Plant Growth Regulators: Chemical thinning did not produce significant differences among the SSCDS, airblast and control plots. GA3 applications from airblast sprayers significantly improved fruit size, color and firmness compared to the control. GA3 applications from SSCDS significantly improved fruit size but not color or firmness compared to the control. MSU Canopy Cooling for Bloom Delay: Bloom was delayed between 5-10 days in SSCDS plots compared to untreated plots for both cherries and apples. Fruit set and harvest date was not affected. The test system used 80% less water compared to impact sprinklers used for the same purpose. WSU Summer Cooling for Apple Sunburn Prevention: Both standard cooling and SSCDS prevented sunburn. Ambient air temp was lower in rows cooled with SSCDS and smaller droplet size of SSCDS is thought to be better suited for evaporative cooling. MSU SSCDS Mating Disruption Experiment: CM captures in traps were not significantly different between high rate MEC, low rate MEC and no pheromone treatments. Captures of OFM were significantly inhibited in the high and low rate MEC treated plots compared to controls (>90%). SMEC formulations for CM at either a high or low application rate provided over 80% and 40% inhibition of moth captures compared to the control for SSCDS and LV applications, respectively. WSU Microsprayer engineering: Field experiments to quantify coverage in upper and underside of leaves were completed for two emitter design layouts, three emitter types and three operating pressure. A high-speed camera was used to acquire images of water sensitive paper while spray application was performed using two emitter design layouts, three emitter types and three operating pressure. A spray simulator comprised of 4ftx4ftx8ft PVC tube frame, two emitters, and a observation platform was developed. Eight emitters representing different flow rate and droplet sizes were selected for the tests. Coverage estimated by Leaf Wetness Sensors (LWSs) and WSCs was collected to evaluate the accuracy of LWSs. Results are undergoing analysis. Sociology and Economics: Respondents indicated that a fixed canopy spray system would be at least somewhat useful (57%) or very useful (43%). Respondents were also interested in seeing more on pest control and plant growth regulation. Management practices survey results and urban edge study notes are currently being analyzed. Partial budget analysis indicates that the prototype system will cost at least $5000 per acre to establish but that refinements in materials could significantly reduce this cost.


  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2013 Citation: Lang, G., E. Hanson, J. Biernbaum, D. Brainard, M. Grieshop, R. Isaacs, A. Montri, V. Morrone, and A. Schilder, D. Conner, and J. Koan. 2013. Holistic integration of organic strategies and high tunnels for Midwest/Great Lakes fruit production. Acta Hort. 1001:47-55.
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2013 Citation: Lang, G.A. 2013. Tree fruit production in high tunnels: current status and case study of sweet cherries. Acta Hort. 987:73-81.

Progress 09/01/11 to 08/31/12

OUTPUTS: Our 2012 focus was the development of prototype solid set canopy delivery systems (SSCDS), initial coverage testing and collection of baseline sociological and economic data. SSCDS were established in apple blocks at the MSU horticulture farm (HF) and Clarksville Horticultural Research Station(CHRS) (MI), the WSU Sunrise Research Orchard near Wenatchee (WA) and at Fowler Farms (NY). SSCDS were also established in sweet cherries at CHRS and in a sweet cherry block at the WSU Prosser Research and Extension Center (WA). MSU Apple: Test plots were established in a 6 acre super slender spindle block in a randomized complete block design with 7 replicates of 0.05 acre plots (untreated, SSCD treated, and Airblast treated) Washington Apple: Test plots were established in a randomized complete block design across three separate 1.3-acre high-density apple blocks with a total of 9 replicates (untreated, SSCD treated, and airblast treated). New York Apple: Test plots were established in a 1.1-acre section of a super-spindle apple orchard in Wolcott (Wayne Co.). MSU Cherry: SSCDS was installed on a 3 acre cherry orchard: half under hightunnels and half unprotected. Washington Cherry: SSCDS was established along a single row with four replicates for an SSCDS and airblast sprayer treatment. SSCDS Design and Operation: SSCDS systems consisted of either a 1" or 3/4" polyethylene tubing looped from row to row creating a closed system. Jain Irrigation Modular Group 7000 series micro sprinklers designed to emit 9.2 gallons per hour at 30 psi, were used to deliver pesticides and plant growth regulators (PGRs). In WA there were 2 emitters for every 3' and in MI and NY there were 3 emitters per 6' (3500 and 2625 microsprayers/acre, respectively). In WA microsprayers were oriented horizontally at alternating 8' and 3' heights in the canopy. In MI and NY, emitters were staggered with 1 horizontally oriented emitter at 8' and 2 vertically oriented emitters at 3'. The NY system microsprayers were suspended on 8" or 28" lengths of tubing reservoirs alternating every 3 ft. The reservoir system is an entirely new design concept that will increase material use efficiency. Spray application units consisted of water tanks connected to a high volume pump and air compressor. Inputs were pre-mixed in the tanks then pumped into the SSCDS until the line was full. SSCDS pressure was then raised to 30 psi for 12-13 seconds, applying the pesticide at a rate of 100 gpa. Residual spray was pushed out of the mainline by air. An engineering team worked across the project to help characterize different aspects of an SSCDS. An initial test site was established at WSU Prosser and used to determine the pressure loss due to main line materials, length of the mainline, and drop or rise of spray emitters along the mainline. Sociology and Economics: Project sociologist and economists collected preliminary data for the development of partial budget comparisons and barriers to grower adoption of SSCDS. Grower focus groups were conducted in all three project states and surveys of apple growers conducted in MI and WA. PARTICIPANTS: Matthew Grieshop, Asst. Professor, Larry Gut, Professor, Tree Fruit Entomology, James R. Miller, Professor, Insect Behavior and Physiology, Mark Whalon, Professor, Pesticide Alternatives Lab, James Flore, Professor, Perennial Crop Physiology, Greg Lang, Professor, Tree Fruit Horticultural Physiology, John Wise, Assoc. Prof., Trevor Nichols Res. Coordinator, Ron Perry, Professor, Precision Horticulture, George W. Sundin, Professor, Tree Fruit Pathology, Steven Miller, Assistant Professor, Economics, Jean Shumway, Haley Consulting Services, LLC, 13463N Seeley Hills Lane, Hayward, WI 54843, Qin Zhang, Professor of Biological Systems Engineering and Center Director and Manoj Karkee, Asst. Professor, Jay Brunner, Professor, Dept. of Entomology, Washington State University, Wenatchee, WA 98801 Arthur Agnello, Professor, Dept. of Entomology, Cornell University, Geneva, NY 14456 John Nye, President, Irrigation system engineering, Matthew Whiting, Assoc. Professor, Tree Fruit Physiology, Ines Hanrahan, Project Manager, Tree Fruit Horticulture, Kerik Cox, Assistant Professor, Alison DeMarree, CALS Coop Extension Area Spec, Economics, Stuart Styles, Director, Irrigation Training and Research Center,, Andrew Landers, Senior Ext. Assoc., Pesticide app. tech. specialist, TARGET AUDIENCES: North American apple and cherry producers. Irrigation supply companies. Tree fruit research and extension professional. PROJECT MODIFICATIONS: Nothing significant to report during this reporting period.

MSU Coverage Assessments: MSU trials with tartrazine dye and water-sensitive paper showed that SSCD consistently provided superior coverage on the upper side of leaves compared to conventional airblast sprayers but variable coverage on the underside of leaves. Wind speed and tree architecture appeared to greatly affect SSCD coverage with light winds resulting in superior coverage and dead air resulting in poor under-leaf coverage. Leaf bioassays using leafroller larvae showed 100% mortality for both SSCD and airblast Dipel-treated foliage. A bioassay based on the evolution of ethylene from leaves where Ethrel was applied with the SSCD system indicated coverage equal to or greater than that provided by airblast application. MSU Season Long Management: Due to frost-induced region-wide crop failure, season-long management was not feasible in MI. However, examination of bacterial counts from individual trees indicated that the SSCD system successfully delivered the bacterial biological control agent Bloomtime Biological to apple trees comparably to conventional airblast spraying and a SSCD system proved effective at delivering codling moth and oriental fruit moth mating disruption products. WSU Apple Coverage assessments: Tartrazine dye showed that the SSCDS had a higher spray distribution within the tree canopy than the airblast sprayer, though both application systems had lower coverage of the lower part of the tree. Water- sensitive cards revealed that the SSCDS applied most of the spray to the top of leaves while the airblast sprayer applied more to the underside of leaves. Leaf bioassay using leafroller larvae showed much lower mortality associated with the SSCDS compared to the airblast application of Bt. Differences between MSU and WSU coverage trials likely reflect differences in system design (see outputs). WSU Season-Long Management: Codling moth (CM) was the primary insect pest in apple assessed in 2012. Fruit injury in the untreated control (UTC) was 36 and 43% after the first and second generation. The airblast application suppressed CM injury numerically better than the SSCDS (4.5 vs. 11.5% at harvest, respectively). Both the SSCDS and airblast applications reduced mildew severity (index from 0-4) relative to the UTC. Post-bloom fruit thinning: Chemical thinners delivered by the SSCDS effectively reduced fruit set in both Gala and Fuji apple plots compared to an UTC, but airblast application provided greater thinning in Fuji. Analysis of harvest fruit size and quality is ongoing. Sociological Outcomes: We have created a baseline of practices for apple growers in MI & WA. Most growers are college-educated males in their mid- to late 50's and 3/4 of survey respondents indicated farming was their primary source of income. More than 1/3 of respondents already use trellis systems. Focus group outcomes developed our understanding of major barriers to adoption: initial cost, system maintenance, system adaptability to specific horticultural practices and knowledge and training for workers and managers. Extension activities: field days were held in both WA and MI and a project website has been developed:


  • No publications reported this period