Source: PURDUE UNIVERSITY submitted to
Sponsoring Institution
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Project No.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Program Code
Project Start Date
Oct 1, 2016
Project End Date
Sep 30, 2021
Grant Year
Project Director
Zollner, PA, .
Recipient Organization
Performing Department
Forestry & Natural Resources
Non Technical Summary
Our central goal is to provide rigorous study on the effects of a wide range of human disturbance on wildlife species. This is critical because an ever increasing human population is having greater impacts upon an increasing number of wildlife species. If we wish to have a future that includes the presence of wildlife species and the invaluable ecosystem services they provide we need to better understand how human activities impact those species so that we can make informed decisions about the consequences for wildlife of the range of potential future human activities.The difficulty in investigating this goal is the spatial scale involved (Boutin and Hebert 2002). For example, many previous studies have looked at the impact of a single forest management technique on a single species. Most of these studies are short in duration and poorly replicated (Miao and Carstenn 2006) and cannot be extrapolated beyond the limits of the specific study. However, the range of human activities affect entire suite of wildlife species in different ways. To address this challenge we need an understanding of not only the response of wildlife to human activity but the mechanism underlying those responses. Gaining such knowledge requires empirical projects involving large spatial scales, long time frames, and multiple study areas are inherently difficult for single investigators to initiate and analyze, therefore collaborative approaches are critical. Additionally, simulation modeling tools can be invaluable because they provide the ability to project how wildlife will respond to a wide range of future that could never be created with empirical experiments. The modeling tools needed to address these challenges are complex enough that great diligence is needed in parameterizing them, running them and analyzing the outputs from them. Thus, the standard approach we employ to make our work with these models most relevant to addressing real applied problems is to collaborate extensively with managers who are interested in the insight our modeling tools can provide. These partnerships with on the ground managers not only help deliver our science but make it more relevant and stronger as we develop it. Ultimately, the combination of relevant empirical studies to parameterize relevant models and application of these approaches to real world management challenges will help identify novel insights and solutions to those pressing challenges that society faces as the extent of human activity continues to expand.
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Goals / Objectives
The overarching goal for this proposal is to improve our understanding of the influence of human activity on wildlife conservation through a combination of empirical and modeling studies.Develop new capabilities into modelling tools we have built to improve the applicability of these tools to a wider range of questionsDevelop applications of modelling tools we have built to new species in new places and new types of human activitiesUnderstand the responses (changes in abundance, survival, reproductive success, foraging behavior, or dispersal patterns) of wildlife species of conservation and management concern to human land-uses such as forest management and outdoor recreation in order to identify effects and mitigate the potential negative effects
Project Methods
Our first objective is to incorporate new capabilities into modeling frameworks that we have already developed. We acknowledge that this proposal involves adding diverse new capabilities and applications to two modeling frameworks. While ambitious, our experience developing these frameworks and implementing research projects with previous versions of each makes us confident the proposed work will be accomplished within the proposal's time frame. For the SEARCH model the primary new capability is to update the code for the simulation so that if model runs are interpreted they can be restarted without losing progress (completed 2018). Accomplishing this requires changing the model code in C++ and updating the documentation materials so that users can learn how to use these new model capabilities.The first new capability to incorporate into SODA is to convert the virtual human agents in this modeling framework into more sophisticated agents that are dynamically capable of changing their behavior based upon their experiences (completed 2019). This new capability will initially be developed based around the Fort Harrison birding case study (Rodriguez-Prieto et al. 2014). We will implement this new capability by coding a site specific replication of SODA in NetLogo (Wilensky 1999). NetLogo is a modeling environment that thousands of students and researchers use for individual-based modeling worldwide. The new version of SODA will include virtual humans that record their frequency of encountering other humans. These frequencies will be used to calculate a utility function for the net value of the time spent in the park for each human at each time step. We will then compare these utility values to threshold values for changing human behavior. We will collaborate with Dr. Shady Atallah to implement the utility functions, and with Dr. Zhao Ma and Dr. Linda Prokopy to interview people in the park. The results of the research from Dr. Ma and Dr. Prokopy will be used to calibrate rules for the behavior of virtual human agents in the SODA model as well as to generate scenarios for management activities that are contrasted in these model applications. The second new capability to be built into SODA will be to add a population-level response (completed 2020). Currently, the SODA modeling framework tracks behavioral responses of simulated wildlife to encounters with humans but it does not explicitly simulate how the numbers of animals living in a location change over multiple breeding seasons. This new capability will be created by coding a model wrap around in either C++ or Python. The wrap around will take the outputs from a SODA run for a first year and use rules provided by the user to convert those outputs into a total number of wildlife objects present in the simulation at the beginning of a subsequent SODA run. Conceptually these iterative SODA runs will allow the use of SODA to simulate how wildlife populations will change over time in response to different disturbance regimes. This new capability will be developed around a case study simulating the response of bat species to timber harvests at different proximities to maternity roost tree trees (involving collaborators Dr. Mike Jenkins and Mr. Scott Haulton) to provide perspective on forest management to this project. We will focus on bat species whose populations have been negatively impacted by white nose syndrome. The third new capability to add to the SODA modeling framework will be the ability to simulate the response of both a predator and a prey species to human disturbance (completed 2017). This new capability will be created by coding in NetLogo (Wilensky 1999) and will prompt users to parameterize the response of predator and prey species to humans in outdoor recreation. This new capability use a case study of beaches that include recreating humans as well as piping plovers as a prey species and a generic avian predator that attempts to forage on those plovers. Parameterization of this model will be based on beaches in Massachusetts known to contain all of these elements.The second objective of this proposal is to develop applications of our modelling tools to new species in new places and new types of human activity. These new case studies for the SEARCH and SODA modeling frameworks will generalize the applicability of these tools which should help identify overarching trends relative to the study phenomena of interest. Several of the new case study applications for SODA have been described above; in addition, new applications of SODA will simulate the response of nesting golden eagles to off highway vehicles in Idaho. This work is a collaboration with Dr. Julie Heath and will take advantage of the synergy of her lab's long term work with the capabilities of SODA (completed 2018). For the SEARCH modeling framework we anticipate several applications to new systems. In northern Wisconsin we will use SEACH to simulate the interactive effects forest management scenarios with a proposed taconite mine (completed 2018) in collaboration with Dr. Jonathan Gilbert and Dr. Nick McCann from the Great Lakes Indian Fish and Wildlife Commission. A similar set of questions will be asked about the influence of forest management on dispersal patterns of Prince of Wales Island flying squirrels on the Tongass National Forest (completed 2017). This work relies on the extensive field work of collaborator Dr. Liz Flaherty to parameterize virtual animals in SEARCH. Additionally, working with Dr. Shannon Pittman of Davidson College we will apply SEARCH to simulate the northward spread of invasive pythons in Florida. This research will involve using Dr. Pittman's unique data on dispersal of juvenile pythons to create movement rules for animals in SEARCH (completed 2020). It will also involve using public records of python sightings in MaxEnt to model habitat suitability to input into SEARCH. We will take the output from SEARCH and apply it in another modeling tool called RangeShifter (Bocedi et al. 2014) to simulate the expansion of these python populations at much large spatial and temporal scales. This work will illustrate the value of these modeling tools to herpetologists as well as those studying the spread of invasive wildlife species. Finally, working with Dr. Julia Earl we will use SEARCH to investigate how models of animal movement can improve understanding of ecosystem process such as the distribution of net subsidies across landscapes (Earl and Zollner 2014).The third objective of this study is to understand the responses of wildlife species to human land-uses. Several of the studies from objectives one and two address this need directly. Beyond those modeling studies we anticipate conducting additional empirical research that addresses this topic. To date our empirical studies have emphasized monitoring (counts of breeding birds, for instance) of organisms at field sites subject to different experimental management regimes. We are now adding studies that explore the mechanisms of species response. These include: 1) marking of breeding populations and tracking of movements of individuals birds (completed 2019); 2) sampling blood of selected species to identify food resources being used via stable isotope analysis (completed 2018); 3) telemetry of breeding individuals of the most common mature species (Worm-eating Warbler) captured on our study sites to locate nests in openings and mature forest. These empirical experiments involve collaborations with Dr. Jeff Holland, Dr. Mike Saunders, Dr. Henry Streby and Dr. Keith Summerville as part of the Department of Forestry and Natural Resources Hardwood Ecosystem Experiment.

Progress 10/01/16 to 09/30/17

Target Audience:During the course of this year work done associated with thisproposalhas reachedscientists, natural resource managers, and the general public. Specfically scientists from universities as well as well as state and federal agencies and NGOs encompassinga wide range of disciplines including conservation biology, ecological modelling, forest ecology, mammalogy, ornithology, landscape ecology, behavioral ecology, population dynamics and those researching human recreation have benefited from papers published assoicated with this project as well as presentations made at scientific conferences. Futhermore products generated during this reporting period are directly relevant to natural resource managers who are focused upon wildlife management, forest management and park management as well as the portion ofthe general public that isinterested in conservation and protection of the natural world. Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?Participation in the panel discussion on biodiversity and food security through the Borlaug Institute at Purdue's campus was an important training and professional development opportunity for the graduate student participants. The workshop at the annual meeting of the wildlife society was an important proffesional development opportunity for faculty at other universities interested in teaching the class developed by Dr. Flaherty and Dr. Zollner at Purdue. Finally, the deomsnration of bird banding to the Master Naturalist program was a final valulable training opportunity during this project year. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?Results were primarilly dissemnated through publications in scientific journals. However, additional dissemenation took the form of workshops, field trips, and field days we helped organize and delievered. Finally, dissemenation to the public is reflected in the invited presentations to progams like Wednesday's in the wild organized by the Tippecanoe county parks department. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?During the coming year we will publish additional scientific articles with results of our research relate to all three objectives. We will also make presentations related to this at scientific conferences and in other relevant venues as opportunities are presented.

What was accomplished under these goals? Four publications produced during this project year directly relate to the first objective of improving capabilities and applicability of modeling tools relevant to understanding the influence of human activity upon wildlife species on conservation concern. Specifically, the paper published in The Earl and Zollner paper published in the Journal of Aimal Ecology reviews the literature and established the need for studies of ecosystem subsidies to consider the influence of animal movements. While the Doughty et al paper published in The Proceeding of The National Academy of Sciences addresses how such nutrient transport effects have been changed by the loss of large species across the globe. Both of these studies illustrate an area where there is a great opportunity for wider applicability of the approaches this project focuses upon. Similarily the Gasc et al. paper published in The Auk outlines the relevance of ornithological research for the growing field of soundscape ecology. In terms of the capabilities dimension of this objective thePauli et al. paper in The Journal of Wildlife Management demonstrates the relevance of multi species occupancy modeling to bat ecology and the management of species in the midwestern US that are threatened by white nose syndrome. This is a novel and important modeling capability being brought into fields of study that will benefit greatly from this example. Objective number two is to develop applications of the modeling tools to new systems and species. This objective is addressed by the Mutascio et al. paper published in Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation that applied the SEARCH modeling tool to study the spread of inavsive pythons in Florida. This is the first ever application of this modeling tool to study invasive species or reptiles. Additionally the Napoletano et al paper in Cogen Environmental Science is a novel application of the influence of aspects of land cover on patterns of avian species richness. The third objecive focuses upon understanding the response of wildlife species to human land uses. Arguabely all of the papers published during this year relate to this objetive. However a few are most directly relevant and merit an empahsis as accomplishments relevant to this objective. The Murray et al paper in Ecological Applications directly address the differential impacts of forest management upon different taxa and spatial scales. Likewise the Kellner et al paper in Forest Ecology and Management measures the response of bird species to forest management. Similarily the afforementioned Pauli et al. paper from The Journal of Wildlife Management address how forest cover impacts foraging patterns of endagered bat species and the Peele et al. paper in The American Midland Naturalist provides insights into how woody biomass harvesting for energy production impacts Plethodontid salamanders in Southeast Indiana.


  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2016 Citation: Kellner, K.F., P.J. Ruhl, J.B. Dunning, J.K. Riegel, and R.K. Swihart. 2016. Multi-scale responses of breeding birds to experimental forest management in Indiana, USA. Forest Ecology and Management 382:64-75.
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2017 Citation: Gasc, A., D. Francomano, J.B. Dunning, and B.C. Pijanowski. 2017. Future directions for soundscape ecology: the importance of ornithological contributions. Auk 134:215-228
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2017 Citation: Kellner, Kenneth F., Patrick J. Ruhl, John B. Dunning, and Robert K. Swihart. 2017. Managing forests for birds in Indiana. Indiana Woodland Steward 25(3): 7-8.
  • Type: Other Status: Published Year Published: 2017 Citation: Dunning, J.B. Bachman's Sparrow (Peucaea aestivalis). 2017. In: P. Rodewahl (editor). The Birds of North America, No. 38. The Birds of North America, Inc. Online version. Third edition.
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2017 Citation: Murray, B.D., J.D. Holland, K.S. Summerville, J.B. Dunning, M.R. Saunders, and M.A. Jenkins. 2017. Functional diversity response to hardwood forest management varies across taxa and spatial scales. Ecological Applications 27:1064-1081.
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2016 Citation: Ruhl, P.J., J.M. Pierce, and J.B. Dunning. 2016. An efficient and inexpensive apparatus for collecting fecal samples during banding studies: an underutilized technique. North American Bird Bander 41:145-150. (published March 2017)
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2017 Citation: Bonanca, R. A., J. B. Dunning, and A. M. da Silva. 2017. The influence of landscape patterns on the bird diversity of four urban parks. Environmental Quality Management, (Spring 2017):5-27.
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2017 Citation: Napoletano, B. M., B. C. Pijanowski, and J. B. Dunning. 2017. Influences of horizontal and vertical aspects of land cover and their interactions with regional factors on patterns of avian species-richness. Cogent Environmental Science 3:1296604. DOI: 10.1080/23311843.2017.1296604
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2017 Citation: Jost Robinson, C.A., Zollner, P.A., and Kpanou J.B. 2017. Night and day: the use of nocturnal and diurnal transects to monitor ungulates (genus Cephalophus) in the Dzanga-Sangha Protected Areas, Central African Republic. African Journal of Ecology 55(2):222-232
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2017 Citation: Pauli, B.P, P.A. Zollner, and G.S. Haulton. 2017. Nocturnal Habitat Selection of Bats Using Single- and Multi-Species Occupancy Models. Journal of Wildlife Management 81(5):878891
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2017 Citation: McCann, N.P., P.A. Zollner, and J.H. Gilbert. 2017 Classifying carnivore tracks using dimensions that control for snow conditions. The Wildlife Society Bulletin 41(2):278-285
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2017 Citation: Peele, J., C. Nix, P. Ruhl, R. Chapman, P.A. Zollner, and M.R. Saunders. 2017, Effects of Woody Biomass Harvests on a Population of Plethodontid Salamanders in Southeast Indiana. The American Midland Naturalist 178:132-143.
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2016 Citation: Quackenbush, H.L., DAcunto, L.E., Flaherty, E. and P.A. Zollner. 2016. Testing the efficacy of an acoustic lure on bat mist-netting success in North American central hardwood forests. The Journal of Mammalogy 97(6):1617-1622.
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2017 Citation: Mutascio, H.E., S.E. Pittman, and P.A. Zollner. 2017. Investigating movement behavior of invasive Burmese pythons on a shy-bold continuum using individual-based modeling. Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation 15:25-31.
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2017 Citation: Earl, J.E. and P.A. Zollner. 2017. Advancing research on animal-transported subsidies by integrating animal movement and ecosystem modeling. Journal of Animal Ecology 86:987997.
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2017 Citation: Vemulapalli T.H., S.S. Donkin, T.B. Lescun, P.A. ONeil, and P.A. Zollner 2017. Animals in Teaching: Considerations When Writing and Reviewing a Teaching Protocol That Utilizes Animals. Journal of the American Association for Laboratory Animal Science 56(5):500-508
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2016 Citation: Ruhl, P.J., R.N. Chapman, and J.B. Dunning. 2016. Field-testing a standard metabolic rate estimation technique for eastern red-backed salamanders. Journal of Herpetology 50:138-144.
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2016 Citation: Doughty, C.E., J. Roman, S. Faurby, A. Wolf, A. Haque, L. Bakker, Y. Malhi, J.B. Dunning, J.-C. Svenning. 2016. Global nutrient transport in a world of giants. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113:868-873.