Sponsoring Institution
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Project No.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Program Code
Project Start Date
Sep 15, 2004
Project End Date
Jun 14, 2007
Grant Year
Project Director
Johnson, G.
Recipient Organization
Performing Department
Family and Consumer Sciences
Non Technical Summary
As an individual institution, the faculty and other relevant resources are too small to scale up for many new program initiatives but as an alliance the units can become a force for changing higher education and advancing FCS programming. The purpose is to establish an alliance among Family and Consumer Sciences units at 1890 Institutions that will enable these units to build capacity in programs/faculty using distance instructional delivery systems
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Goals / Objectives
This proposal is one of three complementary proposals that seek to establish lasting capacity in family and consumer sciences units in 1890 universities. The purpose of the project is to develop and launch a formal alliance among the family and consumer sciences units at 1890 institutions that will serve as a vehicle to enable these units to build and enhance family and consumer sciences units capacity to offer distance education programs beginning with a certificate program in family financial planning. Specific objectives of the proposal are to: 1) Develop and secure approval from each of the eight universities the rules of operation; 2) Develop, work out details, and have signed an 1890 Family and Consumer Sciences Distance Education Alliance Program Affiliate Memorandum of Agreement; 3) Develop a policy and procedure manual for the Alliance and 4) Organize a Family and Consumer Sciences Alliance Board of Directors for leadership and management coordination. The results will be that the 1890 Family and Consumer Sciences Distance Education Program Alliance will: enable the eight 1890 universities to expand their instructional capacity in areas of emerging need without diverting resources from core on-campus programs; be in place for offering a distance education family financial planning certificate program to meet the needs of communities; create a larger pool of minority faculty trained to work with individuals and communities in addressing family financial planning, literacy and related issues; serve as a model for other inter-institutional and intra-institutional program alliances; strengthen the 1890 family and consumer sciences units position in eventually being able to serve more effectively the national as well as international marketplace; and be a vehicle for recruiting additional students to the 1890 universities by being able to deliver programs that were not previously available to audiences unable to come to campus.
Project Methods
The eight administrators from the 1890 FCS units, consultants, and USDA collaborator will meet at central locations to put in place the alliance infrastructure. Telephone conference meetings will also be an important tool of communication. In addition, administrators from the business and admissions and records offices will meet with the FCS administrators and consultants. The Great Plains Interactive Distance Education Alliance (GPIDEA) will serve as a model in reaching the goal of this project. A check list of the objectives and tasks for the project will be developed and used as an evaluation and tracking device. Each administrator will use this form to keep on task. Administrators will develop and secure approval from each of the eight universities the rules of operation including policies on admission of students in the program delivered through the alliance. Based on data and policies and procedures developed for the alliance, the family and consumer sciences administrators will work out details of a memorandum of agreement. This memorandum of agreement will be signed by the family and consumer sciences administrator as well as upper level administrator. A policy and procedure manual for the alliance will be developed. The manual, developed by the group, will include the policies and procedures for the alliance. A Family and Consumer Sciences Alliance Board of Directors for the purpose of providing leadership when the Alliance is implemented will be developed.

Progress 09/15/04 to 06/14/07

OUTPUTS: The infrastructure for the Family and Consumer Sciences Distance Instructional Alliance (FCS-DIA) was designed and implemented. The Alliance served as a vehicle that enabled eight 1890 Family and consumer Sciences units to build and enhance 1890 units to build capacity for delivery of distance education programs. A Memoranda of Agreement was developed and signed by administrators at each of the eight universities. With the assistance of university administrators, a manual with approved rules of operations for the FCS-DIA was developed. This manual addressed the following; admission of students, data management, enrollment of students, leadership, fees, and faculty compensation. PARTICIPANTS: Eight family and consumer sciences administrators representing eight 1890 universities were the main planners. These administrators were assisted by three consultants or collaborators: Virginia Moxley who made available to the group the Great Plains Deans Interactive distance Education Alliance (GPIDEA) to use as a model; Jane Schuchardt, National Program Leader, Economics and Community Systems, USDA/Cooperative State Research Education and Extension Service; and Jim Moran, Associate Vice Provost and President Elect for the American Association for Family and Consumer Sciences. In addition, the Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards, Inc. has agreed to assist with the project. Representatives from each of the eight universities including academic affairs, admission and records, business and finance, and distance education were brought together to work out an agreement on admission, fees, and other areas that would impact the alliance. TARGET AUDIENCES: For this alliance to be implemented, targeted administrators in business and finance, distance education, academic affairs, and records and admission were targeted to work out fees, admission, and other policies. PROJECT MODIFICATIONS: Not relevant to this project.

The two major outcomes of the project were the establishment of an alliance, Family and Consumer Sciences-Distance Instructional Alliance FCS-DIA), among the eight 1890 institutions with FCS units and an expansion of the utilization of distance education to enhance course offerings that addressed emerging societal needs such as financial planning. The FCS-DIA made it possible for institutions to offer programs that will be supported through its contributing members. Appropriate policy and procedures including Memoranda of agreement and rules of operation manual were developed. The Family Financial Planning program was the first program to be offered through the alliance. Presentations have been made at professional meetings to enlighten others about the values of an alliance.


  • No publications reported this period

Progress 10/01/04 to 09/30/05

The family and consumer sciences administrators, working with the admission officers, budget and finance officers, and academic officers (deans, vice presidents, outreach officers) have worked together to outline and tentatively approve policies and procedures, including tuition and registration, for the 1890 Family and Consumer Sciences-Digital Instructional Alliance (FCS-DIA). A Memorandum of Agreement has been developed and is waiting to be approved by each of the eight universities. The specific rules of operation for the Alliance, policy and procedures manual, have been developed and will be further refined. PRODUCTS: A policy and procedures manual for the operation of the 1890 Family and Consumer Sciences - Digital Instructional Alliance has been developed. OUTCOMES: An alliance for delivery of distance education programs, asigned Memoranda of Agreement, and approved rules of operation are outcomes for the project. DISSEMINATION ACTIVITIES: The model and experiences will be shared with other institutions and programs through presentations at professional meetings and with other faculty and administrators at our home institutions. FUTURE INITIATIVES: Programs other than family financial planning will be offered.

The project will enhance the universities' capacity to offer academic services and minimize the resources allocation for each university. More timely and relevant programs will be offered because of the alliance.


  • No publications reported this period