Sponsoring Institution
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Project No.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Program Code
Project Start Date
Apr 1, 2011
Project End Date
Mar 31, 2017
Grant Year
Project Director
Nagoshi, R. N.
Recipient Organization
Performing Department
Non Technical Summary
Climate change will expand the distribution of warm-climate agricultural pests, with adverse consequences to U.S. agriculture. Adapting to this threat requires the monitoring of pest movements, the ability to forecast climate-induced changes in pest migration, and environmentally benign methods of preemptive pest control. This proposal uses fall armyworm as a model system to address these objectives. In addition to being a major agricultural pest in the Western Hemisphere, fall armyworm migratory behavior is representative of many other moths of agricultural importance (e.g., corn earworm, black cutworm, beet armyworm, soybean looper) that are primary contributors to losses in corn, forage, biofuel, and vegetable crops. It is also a semi-tropical insect, representing the type of pest whose geographical range in the U.S. will likely expand if climate change trends continue. Therefore, fall armyworm studies will produce information of broad applicability while providing unique technical advantages important to achieving the following objectives. First, is the establishment of self-sustaining networks to monitor fall armyworm movements and collect specimens. Second, is to analyze the collections from these networks by a novel genetic method to delineate migratory pathways. Third is to correlate the observed migration patterns with seasonal meteorological factors to develop air transport models that can explain fall armyworm movements and identify agricultural regions at risk for climate-induced changes in fall armyworm distribution. Fourth is the development of environmentally-benign strategies using plant species as cover crops that are unsupportive of fall armyworm development to mitigate the anticipated expansion of infestations without added pesticide use. This proposal is a multidisciplinary effort that establishes fall armyworm migration as a bioindicator of climate change effects in the U.S. and is focused on the goals of improving the forecasting and control of pest outbreaks brought about by climate variability and long-term climate change. The anticipated products include: a network for the monitoring of fall armyworm movements in the U.S.; a detailed map of migration pathways and overwintering ranges in the U.S.; models for predicting the influence of weather patterns and climate change on migration and infestation patterns; and new strategies for controlling the predicted spread of fall armyworm infestations. Predicted impacts include: reduced economic losses by targeting susceptible areas for early monitoring and preemptive control measures; reduced pesticide costs by adoption of alternative control techniques adapted for fall armyworm; and improved grower decision-making capability with respect to crop choice and planting time due to better understanding of pest migration and improved pest monitoring.
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Goals / Objectives
Adapting U.S. agriculture to the increased threat of insect pests requires the timely monitoring of pest movements, an understanding of the meteorological factors defining migratory pathways, the ability to forecast climate-induced changes in infestation patterns, and environmentally-benign methods of preemptive pest control. We propose to use fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda (Noctuidae: Lepidoptera), as a model system to address these objectives. We believe fall armyworm behavior is representative of many other migratory moths of agricultural importance, including the majority of Noctuidae pests (e.g. corn earworm, black cutworm, beet armyworm, soybean looper) that are among the primary contributors to losses in corn and vegetable crops. Therefore, the fall armyworm system will produce information of broad applicability while providing unique technical advantages important to achieving the objectives. In Specific Aim-1, permanent, self-sustaining monitoring networks for fall armyworm will be established to collect specimens from appropriate times and locations. In Specific Aim-2, these collections will be analyzed by a novel haplotype method to delineate the borders of the fall armyworm migratory pathways over multiple years. This data will be used in Specific Aim-3 to adapt air trajectory models, previously designed to assess the long-range transport of particles, for use in predicting fall armyworm dispersal patterns in the U.S. under different climate change scenarios. Such predictive models would establish fall armyworm as an indicator of climate change and facilitate development of preemptive strategies to mitigate the adverse consequences. The latter will be addressed in Specific Aim-4 with the development of sunn hemp (Crotalaria juncea L.) and cowpeas (Vigna unguiculata [L.] Walpers spp. unguiculata) in strategies to control the anticipated expansion of fall armyworm infestations without added pesticide use. Anticipated products include: a network for the monitoring of fall armyworm movements in the U.S.; a detailed map of fall armyworm migration pathways and overwintering ranges in the U.S.; models for predicting the influence of weather patterns and climate change on migration and infestation patterns; and new strategies for controlling the predicted spread of fall armyworm infestations. Predicted impacts include: reduced economic losses by targeting susceptible areas for early monitoring and preemptive control measures; reduced pesticide costs by adoption of alternative control techniques adapted for fall armyworm; and improved grower decision-making capability with respect to crop choice and planting time due to better understanding of pest migration and improved pest monitoring.
Project Methods
Critical to this proposal is the establishment of a network for the timely collection of specimens from selected sites for haplotype analysis. These will primarily be done by pheromone trapping, with supplementation by larval collections when possible. The establishment of these networks will be modeled after and nested within PestWatch, an existing volunteer network designed to alert growers to the risk of migratory noctuid populations. Information from the monitoring and collection sites, including the timing and numbers of trap captures will be made publically available via the PestWatch web site ( Two regions (AL-GA and PA-MD) will be specifically targeted because they have been empirically shown to encompass the intersection between the two fall armyworm migratory pathways originating from FL and TX. The collected fall armyworm specimens will be analyzed for the relevant haplotypes by direct sequencing of PCR amplified fragments, with the information processed to identify migratory origins by a methodology we developed. These data will be compiled to generate migratory maps for each given region, with an emphasis on describing how the boundary between the TX and FL migratory pathways shift over time. The observed migration pattern will be compared to that generated by the HYSPLIT atmospheric dispersal model, which can simulate the distribution of migratory populations originating from TX or FL in the test regions based on synoptic air transport systems. These simulations will take advantage of methods successfully applied to study the movements of corn earworm and boll weevils in TX. Discrepancies between the observed and projected fall armyworm migratory patterns will be used to adjust HYSPLIT model variables and refine the location of monitoring sites. Continued application of this strategy as more mapping data becomes available should produce sequential improvements in model accuracy, with the ultimate goal of a model that can explain current migration behavior as well as project the consequences of different climate change scenarios. The mitigation objective will involve the continued economic cost/benefit assessment of increased sunn hemp and cowpeas use as a cover and forage crop, particularly in smaller and organic farms. We demonstrated that both plants are poor hosts for fall armyworm in comparison with plant species most frequently used in the southeast as cover and forage crops, and propose to extend these studies to test the capacity of sunn hemp and cowpea plots to support other corn pests (primarily corn earworm) common to the southeastern U.S., as well as to the natural enemies of these pests. This will involve comparisons of monocultures with polycultures to identify the optimum balance of benefits and production costs for use in forage plantings near cornfields or in cover crop rotations with corn.

Progress 04/01/11 to 03/31/17

Target Audience:Approximately 100 extension agents and growers participated in the PestWatch monitoring network in 2016-2017. Consultations and presentations were made with industrial customers including Monsanto, DuPont Pioneer, Benzon Research, Provivi, Novavax. Research was presented to scientists and extension agents at four international scientific meetings, three universities, three domestic conferences. Research was presented to government officials, relief agencies, and representatives of FAO, CIMMYT, AGRA, IITA, Syngenta Foundation at Stakeholders Consultation Meeting on fall armyworm in Africa: Status and strategy for effective management, Nairobi, Kenya, 2017. Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?Upon learning of our work, researchers in Argentina under the auspices of CONICET sent a research scientist (Dr. Gabriela Murúa, Estación Experimental Agroindustrial Obispo Colombres. Sección Zoologia Agrícola, Tucumán, Argentina) for training and consultation with us in the summer of 2011 and again in 2012. Our methods were adopted by Argentina scientists for studies on their fall armyworm populations (Juarez et al. 2012). Two manuscript was generated by the collaboration (Nagoshi et al. 2012b, Murua et al. 2015). Dr. Mirian Hay-Roe, postdoctoral fellow (2011 to present) is contributing to the molecular characterization of haplotypes and the delineation of fall armyworm migratory pathways. Collaborative training of a Research Technologist (K. Watrous) to establish species-level identification of bees from cover crop plots, with a focus on sunn hemp plots, and establishment of studies to define pollination behavior of focal taxa. Trained graduate student Siddarta Jairam, College of Engineering at Texas A&M University, in the use of HYSPLIT to simulate fall armyworm moth migration. He has created software to input gridded USDA-NASS CropScape crop distribution data and NOAA surface air temperature data from which to calculate the development of corn plants and fall armyworm populations. The simulated dynamics of the pest and host plant distributions provided input to HYSPLIT for deriving productivity of migratory fall armyworm populations. Trained graduate student Roxanne Ramirez, College of Agriculture at Texas A&M University, in techniques for rearing fall armyworm colonies and testing fall armyworm moth flight activity on insect flight mills. She has repaired and tested an existing flight mill system for use in testing the effects of pest strain and larval diet on flight activity of fall armyworm moths. Trained undergraduate student Courtney Van Gemert, College of Science at Texas A&M University, in techniques for rearing fall armyworm colonies and testing fall armyworm moth flight activity on insect flight mills. She has reared colonies of cornstrain and rice strain fall armyworms, and assisted in attaching fall armyworm moths to flight mill system for use in testing the effects of pest strain and larval diet on flight activity of fall armyworm moths. Trained biological technician Rachel Troyer, Pennsylvania State University, in the implementation of the HYSPLIT model to simulate fall armyworm moth migration. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?Outreach activities to enhance public understanding: Approximately 200 new extension agents and growers participated in the PestWatch monitoring network since 2012. Research was presented to the general public in the Bat Conservation International webinar series "Connecting Farmers and Ranchers to Innovative Technology in Bat Conservation" funded by the USDA-NRCS, "Value of foraging bats: IPM far and wide." (July 30, 2014). Research was presented to farmers and extension agents at the MidAtlantic Fruit and Vegetable Convention, Hershey PA, Jan 2015 and 2016. Research was presented to growers and farmers at the New Jersey Vegetable Growers convention in Atlantic City Feb. 2015 and 2016. Research was disseminated to industry through consultations and presentations at national and international conferences. Research was disseminated to the scientific community through presentations at national and international conferences, invited presentations at universities, and publications in peer-reviewed journals. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals? Nothing Reported

What was accomplished under these goals? The research program consisted of four objectives with the goals of monitoring, describing, predicting, and developing strategies to mitigate fall armyworm migration. This pest has become of matter of increasing concern during the grant period because of the development of resistance in fall armyworm to a widely used genetically modified corn hybrid that expresses a Bt-toxin, which compromises the use of Bt throughout the Western Hemisphere. In addition, fall armyworm was recently discovered in Africa, the first incidence of establishment in the Eastern Hemisphere, where in a single year it has spread to infest 14 African countries. Latest extrapolations estimate $13 billion losses in corn production in the next year. The regional pest monitoring network established by the grant project resulted in a greater than 100% increase in the number of reporting sites to the national online database called PestWatch that is maintained by Pennsylvania State University. These numbers were maintained throughout the grant period, with over 60,000 moths sorted, counted, and recorded. The molecular characterization and genetic marker development funded by the grant significantly influenced the methodology for characterizing fall armyworm by the scientific community as indicated by numerous requests and agreements to analyze specimens or provide technical assistance from researchers in industry, government, and universities. These include over 20 requests for research materials from domestic and international research institutes, consultations with five agricultural companies to transfer technology, and over 10 requests for molecular analysis of unknown specimens from domestic and international groups. The modeling and migration resulted in ongoing consultations with an FAO/AGRA/CIMMYT workgroup with the goalto develop policy for the recent discovery of fall armyworm in Africa. The Specific Aim-1 objective was to establish a permanent, self-sustaining monitoring network for the central and eastern United States. In addition to doubling the number of cooperators reporting fall armyworm, the online database PestWatch was improved to now include a Content Management System (CMS) Expression Engine (EE) and HTML5, to support RSS feeds, blogging, and facilitate development of mobile apps. All webfeeds and software tools are open source and use Openlayers, enabling basemaps familiar to those using GoogleMaps. A degree-day base data layer was built from real-time-mesoscale analysis (RTMA) data provided by NOAA, through their National Center for Environmental Protection (NCEP). Hourly RTMA data was processed daily at Penn State into a 2.5 km gridded degree-day base map, using 50o F for mapping degree days across a surface. A degree-day calculator was enabled using this same data flow which downloads a csv file of degree-days, or min/max temperatures, at a user-defined 2.5 km raster. Trap catch map visualizations with proportional circles was developed, resulting in realistic visualizations of moth abundance and migration. Time series graphics was linked to points. The underlying database was moved to Postgres SQL, to improve data capture and to enable user-defined data query. To address a long term strategy, a grant was secured with the Southern IPM Center to merge data acquisition into the NIFA funded Pest Information Platform for Extension and Education. By connecting through IPM Centers, we anticipate sustainable interfacing with those in Extension and the private sector for populating the trap capture database, and addressing data quality standards even after the grant period. As a result of this work a sustainable web-mapping portal for realistically visualizing lepidopteran pest pressure and migration was established and is beginning to be integrated with IPM Centers. This includes a novel approach to modeling insect phenology with agent-based models. PestWatch has been shown to be a predictor of field corn damage for both corn earworm and z-race European corn borer, and was instrumental in detecting a recently established invasive species in Pennsylvania. The Specific Aim-2 objective was to develop molecular markers to analyze the fall armyworm collections from the monitoring networks. This research included the development of new markers to define fall armyworm subpopulations and a novel methodology to map migration patterns in North America. The latter was used to infer fall armyworm migration pathways in the United States and identify regions affected by different overwintering populations. Data for the latest update to the map were used to examine the temporal stability of the migratory pathways. Mapping studies were then extended to the Caribbean, Mexico, and South America to provide a hemispheric description of fall armyworm populations. This research significantly influenced fall armyworm research practices as evidenced by requests for consultation, research materials, and/or molecular analysis from multiple U.S. universities, private companies (including Novavax, Benzon Research, DuPont Pioneer, Provivi, Monsanto), and international groups (including Rothamsted University, UK; Max Planck Institute, Germany; Centro de Biotecnología Genómica, Mexico; University of Ghana; University of Tome, Togo; CONICET, Argentina). At the request of USDA-APHIS the marker technology developed for fall armyworm was adapted for use in the pest species Spodoptera littoralis, S. litura, Oxycarenus hyalinipennis, and Helicoverpa armigera. The research contributed to a cooperative agreement with Monsanto to survey fall armyworm in Florida. The Specific Aim-3 objective was to adapt air trajectory models, previously designed to assess the long-range transport of particles, for use in predicting fall armyworm dispersal patterns in the U.S. A unique modeling approach linked the growth and infestation of corn production areas, generational development and availability of fall armyworm moths, and dispersal of migrant fall armyworm moths to estimate the seasonal moth distribution in the USA east of the Rocky Mountains. The fall armyworm migration model simulated seasonal, continental-scale movements from two distinct source areas. Model results extending out for multiple generations in a season are consistent with observed data derived from genetic markers. There was a significant change in knowledge resulting from the research that includes simulations of continental-scale migration of fall armyworm populations from winter-breeding sources in southern FL and southern TX. Most notable was the lack of mixing between the two overwintering populations. The change in knowledge was described in extension and customer newsletters and included in the textbooks "Insect Ecology; And Ecosystem Approach" and "Insect Molecular Genetics; An Introduction to Principles and Applications". The relevance of the research to industry was recognized by a cooperative agreement with the Monsanto Company. These results were the basis for consultations with an international working group led by the FAO that is tasked with designing and implementation of a fall armyworm management strategy for Africa. The Specific Aim-4 objective was to develop cover crop strategies for controlling infestations. Field studies compared fall armyworm attraction and development on corn, sorghum-sudangrass, sunn hemp, and a 50:50 ratio of sorghum-sudan and sunn hemp. Highest larval numbers were found on corn, followed by sorghum-sudangrass. Few larvae were found on sunn hemp. In the mixed plot, fall armyworm larvae were only observed on sorghum-sudan. Other studies showed substantially higher fall armyworm infestation in cowpeas compared to sunn hemp. The results indicated that with respect to fall armyworm mitigation, sunn hemp was a superior cover crop than the alternative legume cowpeas or the commonly used sorghum-sudan grass.


  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2016 Citation: Hay-Roe, M. M., Meagher, R. L., Nagoshi, R. N., and Newman, Y. 2016. Distributional patterns of fall armyworm parasitoids in a corn field and a pasture field in Florida. Biological Control 96: 48-56.
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2016 Citation: Meagher, R. L., Nuessly, G. S., Nagoshi, R. N., and Hay-Roe, M. M. 2016. Parasitoids attacking fall armyworm (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in sweet corn habitats. Biological Control 95: 66-72.
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2016 Citation: Nagoshi, R. N., Gilligan, T. M., and Brambila, J. 2016. Combining Tpi and CO1 genetic markers to discriminate invasive Helicoverpa armigera from local Helicoverpa zea (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) populations in the southeastern United States. Journal of Economic Entomology 109(5): 2115-2124.
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2016 Citation: Nagoshi, R. N., and Meagher, R. L. Using intron sequence comparisons in the triosephosphate isomerase gene to study the divergence of the fall armyworm host strains. Insect Molecular Biology 25(3): 324-337.
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2016 Citation: Westbrook, J. K., Nagoshi, R. N., Meagher, R. L., Fleischer, S. J., and Jairam, S. 2016. Modeling seasonal migration of fall armyworm moths. International Journal of Biometeorology 60(2): 255-267.
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2017 Citation: Nagoshi, R. N., Fleischer, S., Meagher, R. L., Hay-Roe, M., Khan, A., Mur�a, M. G., Silvie, P., Vergara, C., and Westbrook, J. Fall armyworm migration across the Lesser Antilles and the potential for genetic exchanges between North and South American populations. Plos One 12(2): e0171743. 2017.
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Under Review Year Published: 2017 Citation: Meagher, Jr., RL, RN Nagoshi, JT Brown, SJ Fleischer, JK Westbrook, CA Chase 2017. Flowering of the cover crop sunn hemp, Crotalaria juncea L. HortSci.
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Under Review Year Published: 2017 Citation: Banerjee, R., Hasler, J., Meagher, R., Nagoshi, R., Hietala, R., Huang, F., Narva, K. and Jurat-Fuentes, J. L. Mechanism and DNA-based detection of field-evolved resistance to transgenic Bt corn in fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda). Scientific Reports.
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Under Review Year Published: 2017 Citation: Nagoshi, R. N., Fleischer, S. J., and Meagher, R. L. Using SNPs with varying specificity to quantify hybridization between closely related but genetically distinct moth populations in the wild. Journal of Economic Entomology.
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Submitted Year Published: 2017 Citation: Nagoshi, R. N., Koffi, D., Agboka, K., Tounou, K. A., Banerjee, R., Jurat-Fuentes, J. L., and Meagher, R. L. Comparative molecular analyses of invasive fall armyworm in Togo reveal strong similarities to populations from the eastern United States and the Greater Antilles. PloS One.

Progress 04/01/15 to 03/31/16

Target Audience:Approximately 150 extension agents, growers, and farm volunteers participated in the PestWatch monitoring network this reporting period. Research was reported to vegetable and organic growers at the 60th NJ Agric. Conv. & Trade Show, Veg. Growers Assoc. of NJ in Atlantic City, NJ (2015), and the Mid -Atlantic Fruit & Vegetable Conv., PA Vegetable Grower s Assoc in Hershey, PA (2016). Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided?Dr. Mirian Hay-Roe, postdoctoral fellow (2011 to present) is contributing to the molecular characterization of haplotypes and the delineation of fall armyworm migratory pathways. Continued training of graduate student Siddarta Jairam, College of Engineering at Texas A&M University, in the use of HYSPLIT to simulate fall armyworm moth migration. He has created software to input gridded USDA-NASS CropScape crop distribution data and NOAA surface air temperature data from which to calculate the development of corn plants and fall armyworm populations. The simulated dynamics of the pest and host plant distributions provided input to HYSPLIT for deriving productivity of migratory fall armyworm populations. Continued training of graduate student Roxanne Ramirez, College of Agriculture at Texas A&M University, in techniques for rearing fall armyworm colonies and testing fall armyworm moth flight activity on insect flight mills. She has repaired and tested an existing flight mill system for use in testing the effects of pest strain and larval diet on flight activity of fall armyworm moths. Continued training of undergraduate student Courtney Van Gemert, College of Science at Texas A&M University, in techniques for rearing fall armyworm colonies and testing fall armyworm moth flight activity on insect flight mills. She has reared colonies of corn-strain and rice strain fall armyworms, and assisted in attaching fall armyworm moths to flight mill system for use in testing the effects of pest strain and larval diet on flight activity of fall armyworm moths. Continued training of biological technician Rachel Troyer, Pennsylvania State University, in the implementation of the HYSPLIT model to simulate fall armyworm moth migration. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest?Meagher, R, R Nagoshi, S. Fleischer & J Westbrook 2016. Management of fall armyworm: does migration affect Bt resistance? Bayer Crop Science Innovation Center, 2 May, Morrisville, NC. Meagher, R, R Nagoshi, S. Fleischer & J Westbrook 2016. Fall armyworm migration - implications for the Mid-Atlantic. Mid-Atlantic Fruit & Vegetable Conv., PA Vegetable Grower's Assoc., 1-3 Feb., Hershey, PA. Meagher, R, R Nagoshi, S. Fleischer & J Westbrook 2015. Using ecological techniques to manage overwintering populations of the fall armyworm. P-IE Section Symposium: Ecology and Management of Migratory Moth Pests: Uniting Disciplines to Provide Solutions; Ann. Meeting ESA 15-18 Nov, Minneapolis, MN. Meagher, R 2015. Fall armyworm migrations and implications for NJ farmers. 60th NJ Agric. Conv. & Trade Show, Veg. Growers' Assoc. of NJ. 3-5 Feb., Atlantic City, NJ. Meagher, RL, R Nagoshi, S Fleischer & J Westbrook. 2015. Replacing a common ground cover plant with sunn hemp to reduce migrating populations of fall armyworm. Ann. Meeting FES 3-5 Aug, Ft. Myers, FL. Westbrook, J.K.,S. Jairam, R. N. Nagoshi, R. L. Meagher, and S. J. Fleischer. 2015. Simulation of generational migrations of fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda) moths. (Invited presentation in the Symposium on Ecology and management of migratory moth pests: Uniting disciplines to provide solutions). Entomological Society of America annual meeting. Minneapolis, MN. Nov. 17, 2015 Westbrook, J.K., J.W. Chapman, K.S. Lim, D.R. Reynolds, C.P.-C. Suh, R.S. Eyster, J. Zeitler, V. Melnikov, J.J. Krauel, R.L. Meagher, P. Gould, P. Stepanian, C. Wainwright. 2016. Weather radar surveillance of pest insect migration. Texas Weather Conference. Austin, TX. February 5-6, 2016. Fleischer, S. J., J. K. Westbrook, R. N. Nagoshi, and R. L. Meagher. 2015. Predictive modeling and mitigation of the effects of climate change on the infestation patterns of a migratory crop pest insect. Project Directors Meeting for the National Institute of Food and Agriculture's Agriculture and Food Research Initiative: Climate Variability and Change Program. April 7-9. Washington, D.C. Fleischer, S. J. 2016. Addressing the When in IPM: Timing of Beetles, Bugs, and Moths in your Agroecosystem. Invited seminar, Purdue University, Lafayette, Indiana. April 7. Nagoshi, R. N., S. Fleischer, J. Westbrook, R. Meagher, M. Hay-Roe. 2015. Ann. Meeting FES 3-5 Aug, Ft. Myers, FL. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals? The next year will be used to validate and improve the fall armyworm migration model developed through the grant, the details of which were published in 2015. This will involve national and international surveys of fall armyworm populations, including online recording of trap numbers (in the public database called PestWatch) and analysis of genetic and haplotype markers. These data will be compared to projections from the migration model. The proposed additional year of data will be invaluable for optimizing the model in preparation for its use in predicting the potential consequences of climate change on the migration of Lepidoptera agricultural pests. In addition, an unprecedented research opportunity has become available through the agreement of a co-PI of this grant (Westbrook) with Dr. Jason Chapman from the University of Exeter to perform radar-based monitoring of insect migration from Texas in 2016. The requested year extension will allow us to coordinate field surveys and our genetics-based description of pest migration patterns with the radar information. This has the potential for providing new insights into the timing of migratory flights from overwintering source locations and the effect of regional weather patterns on the eventual distribution of the migratory populations. We anticipate that the findings will have significant impact on our understanding of the factors that control the timing and direction of pest migration, and facilitate efforts to predict and ultimately mitigate these infestations.

What was accomplished under these goals? Climate change is anticipated to alter the meteorological patterns and weather systems with potentially significant changes in the timing and direction of the migration of agriculturally important pest insects, such as the fall armyworm. Impacts of the project to date include the voluntary participation of hundreds of cooperators that include growers, university scientists, government extension agents, and agribusiness in the collection and monitoring of fall armyworm populations in the U.S., with the data reported in an online database (PestWatch). Genetic analysis of the specimens resulted in a map of fall armyworm migration pathways in the U.S. that led to consultations with USDA-APHIS on monitoring invasive species and with private companies on projecting the movements of pesticide resistant subpopulations of fall armyworm. A research agreement was established with Monsanto to develop a similar strategy to study the migration of the soybean looper pest. The data was used to develop a migration model based on air transport systems that can predict future migration patterns under different climate scenarios. This model is being adapted for use in projecting the migration of other moth pests at the request of scientists from USDA-APHIS and USDA-ARS. Field studies on the use of cover crops to mitigate fall armyworm migration has attracted considerable public interest and has been presented to extension agents and growers in invited public presentations at agricultural conventions. The project has demonstrated the effectiveness of combining traditional field entomology with genetic methods and meteorological modeling to investigate what has been a technically difficult problem of monitoring long-range insect migration. The methodology has attracted international interest, with collaborations initiated with scientists from the Caribbean, Argentina, Brazil, and Mexico. A more detailed summary is provided below. Specific aim-1: Establishment of self-sustaining monitoring networks. A regional network of cooperators was established to monitor and collect fall armyworm that has been refined and modified each year as needed. The network was responsible for a greater than 100% increase in the number of reporting sites to PestWatch for fall armyworm in 2011 (203) from 2010 (94). This participation level has been maintained through 2015 with over 65,000 moths having been sorted, counted, and the numbers made available online in PestWatch. From 2013 to the present, the monitoring area has been expanded to include the Caribbean, Mexico, and South America (collections in Argentina, Brazil, Peru, Bolivia) to provide a hemispheric view of fall armyworm distribution and movements. In order to develop more efficient pheromone trapping methods to facilitate the regional collection network we characterized pheromone differences between fall armyworm host strains, compared different commercial pheromone blends for trap capture rates and strain biases, and tested the relative efficiencies of artificial pheromone blends. The data from these studies are being used to develop new pheromone blends for testing. Specific aim-2: Analysis of collections from these networks. Fall armyworm migration pathways in the United States were inferred from haplotype distributions and identified regions affected by different overwintering populations. These studies are continuing (with over -000 haplotypes analyzed to date) in order to obtain a multi- year baseline map from which any future deviations due to climate effects can be identified. Data for the latest update to the map were used to examine the temporal stability of the migratory pathways and were instrumental in our development of a migration model based on air transport patterns. A second component of this Aim is to find new applications for the molecular haplotype methodology. In collaboration with USDA-APHIS we developed a DNA barcoding database and methods for distinguishing fall armyworm (Spodoptera) frugiperda) from other Spodoptera species. This method was used to confirm species identity of field-collected specimens from Trinidad and Tobago, Mexico, Bolivia, and Argentina. The method was also used to identify unknown larvae found feeding on Bt-resistant corn at the request of University of Florida researchers. Improvements to the molecular methods are continuing to provide new tools to identify fall armyworm subpopulations to provide a more detailed description of the migration and dispersion of this important agricultural pest. This includes the characterization and geographical localization of genetic variation in the triose phosphate isomerase gene (Tpi) that is capable of distinguishing between host plant-specific fall armyworm groups. Specific aim-3: Develop models to forecast migratory behaviors. The HYSPLIT (Hybrid Single Particle Lagrangian Integrated Trajectory) model was used to simultaneously simulate long-distance migratory flight patterns of fall armyworm moths from distinct overwintering source areas. Model simulations identified regions expected to be dominated by migrants from either the Florida or Texas source locations, as well as two areas in Alabama-Georgia and Pennsylvania-Maryland where there is a strong probability of overlap between the migratory populations. This predicted migratory pattern based on air trajectory simulations closely corroborates a previous migratory map based on the distribution of fall armyworm haplotype profiles. The capacity to combine atmospheric modeling with genetic haplotype distribution analysis provides an efficient method for extrapolating and verifying long distance insect flight behaviors. The results contribute to knowledge of fall armyworm population ecology on a continental scale, and will aid in the prediction and interpretation of inter-annual variability of pest migration patterns including those in response to climatic change. The model source code has been archived at, and a README document file that outlines the procedure for installing and running the R programs are available upon request. These studies on fall armyworm migration elicited substantial interest from researchers investigating the geographical spread of a Bt-resistance trait first observed Puerto Rico. This has resulted in a NIFA funded collaboration with the University of Tennessee and LSU to study the effect of Bt-resistance on fall armyworm migration (NIFA-BRAG GRANT11610723). The migration model was the basis for ongoing collaborations with Dr. Jason Chapman from the University of Exeter to perform radar-based monitoring of insect migration from Texas and Dr. G. McCracken (University of Tennessee) to coordinate studies on the migration of bats. Migratory fall armyworm can be a significant contributor to the bat diet, with foraging likely to occur along the major migratory routes. Specific aim-4: Develop cover crop strategies for controlling infestations. Initial field studies have been completed comparing fall armyworm attraction and development on corn, sorghum-sudangrass, sunn hemp, and a 50:50 ratio of sorghum-sudan and sunn hemp. Highest larval numbers were found on corn, followed by sorghum-sudangrass. Few larvae were found on sunn hemp. In the mixed plot, fall armyworm larvae were only observed on sorghum-sudan. Other studies showed substantially higher fall armyworm infestation in cowpeas compared to sunn hemp. The results indicated that with respect to fall armyworm mitigation, sunn hemp was a superior cover. The work has attracted considerable public interest.


  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2015 Citation: Hay-Roe, M. M., R. N. Nagoshi, R. L. Meagher, M. A. De Lopez, and R. Trabanino. 2015. Isolation and DNA Barcode Characterization of a Permanent Telenomus (Hymenoptera: Platygastridae) Population in Florida That Targets Fall Armyworm (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Ann Entomol Soc Am 108: 729-735
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2015 Citation: Murua, M. G., R. N. Nagoshi, D. A. Dos Santos, M. M. Hay-Roe, R. L. Meagher, and J. C. Vilardi. 2015. Demonstration Using Field Collections that Argentina Fall Armyworm Populations Exhibit Strain-specific Host Plant Preferences. J Econ Entomol 108: 2305-2315.
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2015 Citation: Nagoshi, R. N., N. M. Rosas-Garcia, R. L. Meagher, S. J. Fleischer, J. K. Westbrook, T. W. Sappington, M. Hay-Roe, J. M. G. Thomas, and G. M. Murua. 2015. Haplotype Profile Comparisons Between Spodoptera frugiperda (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) Populations From Mexico With Those From Puerto Rico, South America, and the United States and Their Implications to Migratory Behavior. J Econ Entomol 108: 135-144
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2016 Citation: Westbrook, J. K., R. N. Nagoshi, R. L. Meagher, S. J. Fleischer, and S. Jairam. 2016. Modeling seasonal migration of fall armyworm moths. Int J Biometeorol 60: 255-267
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Awaiting Publication Year Published: 2016 Citation: Nagoshi, R. N., and R. L. Meagher. 2016. Using intron sequence comparisons in the triose-phosphate isomerase (Tpi) gene to study the divergence of the fall armyworm host strains. Insect Mol Biol in press.

Progress 04/01/14 to 03/31/15

Target Audience: Approximately 200 extension agents and growers participated in the PestWatch monitoring network in 2014. Research was presented to the public in the Bat Conservation International webinar series "Connecting Farmers and Ranchers to Innovative Technology in Bat Conservation" funded by the USDA-NRCS, "Value of foraging bats: IPM far and wide." (July 30, 2014). Research was presented to farmers and extension agents at the MidAtlantic Fruit and Vegetable Convention, Hershey PA, Jan 2015. Research was presented to growers and farmers at the New Jersey Vegetable Growers convention in Atlantic City Feb. 2015. Research was presented to scientists and extension agents at a Fall Armyworm Symposium at the Entomological Society of America Annual Meeting, Portland OR, Dec. 2014. Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided? Upon learning of our work, researchers in Argentina under the auspices of CONICET sent a research scientist (Dr. Gabriela Murúa, Estación Experimental Agroindustrial Obispo Colombres. Sección Zoologia Agrícola, Tucumán, Argentina) for training and consultation with us in the summer of 2011 and again in 2012. Our methods were adopted by Argentina scientists for studies on their fall armyworm populations (Juarez et al. 2012). Two manuscript was generated by the collaboration (Nagoshi et al. 2012b, Murua et al. 2015). Dr. Mirian Hay-Roe, postdoctoral fellow (2011 to present) is contributing to the molecular characterization of haplotypes and the delineation of fall armyworm migratory pathways. Collaborative training of a Research Technologist (K. Watrous) to establish species-level identification of bees from cover crop plots, with a focus on sunn hemp plots, and establishment of studies to define pollination behavior of focal taxa. Trained graduate student Siddarta Jairam, College of Engineering at Texas A&M University, in the use of HYSPLIT to simulate fall armyworm moth migration. He has created software to input gridded USDA-NASS CropScape crop distribution data and NOAA surface air temperature data from which to calculate the development of corn plants and fall armyworm populations. The simulated dynamics of the pest and host plant distributions provided input to HYSPLIT for deriving productivity of migratory fall armyworm populations. Trained graduate student Roxanne Ramirez, College of Agriculture at Texas A&M University, in techniques for rearing fall armyworm colonies and testing fall armyworm moth flight activity on insect flight mills. She has repaired and tested an existing flight mill system for use in testing the effects of pest strain and larval diet on flight activity of fall armyworm moths. Trained undergraduate student Courtney Van Gemert, College of Science at Texas A&M University, in techniques for rearing fall armyworm colonies and testing fall armyworm moth flight activity on insect flight mills. She has reared colonies of corn-strain and rice strain fall armyworms, and assisted in attaching fall armyworm moths to flight mill system for use in testing the effects of pest strain and larval diet on flight activity of fall armyworm moths. Trained biological technician Rachel Troyer, Pennsylvania State University, in the implementation of the HYSPLIT model to simulate fall armyworm moth migration. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest? Outreach activities to enhance public understanding: Approximately 200 extension agents and growers participated in the PestWatch monitoring network in 2014. Research was presented to the public in the Bat Conservation International webinar series "Connecting Farmers and Ranchers to Innovative Technology in Bat Conservation" funded by the USDA-NRCS, "Value of foraging bats: IPM far and wide." (July 30, 2014). Research was presented to farmers and extension agents at the MidAtlantic Fruit and Vegetable Convention, Hershey PA, Jan 2015. Research was presented to growers and farmers at the New Jersey Vegetable Growers convention in Atlantic City Feb. 2015. Research was presented to scientists and extension agents at a Fall Armyworm Symposium at the Entomological Society of America Annual Meeting, Portland OR, Dec. 2014. Dissemination of research to scientific community: Nagoshi, RN 2014. Fall Armyworm Migration. Fall Armyworm Symposium at the Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society of America 16-19 Nov, Portland, OR. 2014 Predictive modeling and mitigation of the effects of climate change on the infestation patterns of a migratory crop pest insect. at Annual NIFA Grant PD meeting, Gainesville, FL, Jan 2014. Co-author of invited presentation: Meagher, R, R Nagoshi, S Fleischer & J Westbrook. 2013. Areawide management of fall armyworm using selected ground covers. Ann. Meeting ESA 10-13 Nov, Austin, TX. Westbrook, JW, SJ Fleischer,RL Meagher Jr., and RN Nagoshi "Model estimates timing and intensity of insect migration" Triennial International Congress of Biometeorology Sep 28, 2014. Niu, Y., RL Meagher, J.A. Qureshi, X. Ni, X. Yang, GP Head, DL Kerns, D Henne, R Levy, F Yang, V Dangal & F Huang. 2014. Allele frequency of resistance to Cry2Ab2 corn in field populations of fall armyworm in the south region of the United States. Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society of America 16-19 Nov, Portland, OR. Huang, F, JA Qureshi, RL Meagher, D Reisig, GP Head, DA Andow, X Ni, DL Kerns, D Buntin, Y Niu, F Yang & V Dangal. 2014. Field resistance of fall armyworm to transgenic Bt corn in the mainland U.S. Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society of America 16-19 Nov, Portland, OR. Fleischer, S, R Nagoshi, RL Meagher, JK Westbrook, J Tooker & E Bohnenblust. 2014. PestWatch and Lepidopterans: Tracking populations and management implications. Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society of America 16-19 Nov, Portland, OR. Meagher, R 2014. Host strain and geographic variation in attraction of male fall armyworm to pheromone lures. Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society of America 16-19 Nov, Portland, OR. Nuessly, G & R Meagher. 2014. Susceptibility to insecticides andBt toxins in GMO corn in field populations of the fall armyworm in Florida. Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society of America 16-19 Nov, Portland, OR. Niu, Y, R Meagher, X Ni, X Yang, GP Head, D Kerns, D Henne, R Levy, F Yang, V Dangal & F Huang. 2014. Frequency of alleles conferring resistance to Cry2Ab2 corn in field populations of Spodoptera frugiperda (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in the south region of the United States. Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society of America, Southeastern Branch 3-5 Mar, Greenville, SC. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals? The activities and outputs planned for Year 5 in Specific Aim 1 (Establish permanent, self-sustaining monitoring networks for fall armyworm to collect specimens from appropriate times and locations). We will continue and complete the maintenance and refinement of the regional network for monitoring and collecting fall armyworm to add to the ongoing multi-year description of fall armyworm migration pathways. Priority areas will be dictated by modeling studies (see Specific Aim 3), with the primary objective to validate model predictions. Monitoring and collections from the rest of the network will continue as well to assess the overall stability over time of the observed migratory pathways. Outcome/impact: Multi-year mapping of fall armyworm haplotype patterns will provide new insight into the factors influencing fall armyworm population movements. Results will be presented in peer-reviewed article. Discussions are ongoing to transfer permanent responsibility for PestWatch to the Southern IPM Center. Outcome/impact: Expansion of the PestWatch monitoring network and its continuation beyond the funding period of the current grant. Collaborations to validate our fall armyworm migration map have been established with researchers from the University of Tennessee and Louisiana State University, and funding from the NIFA BRAG program has been obtained (GRANT11610723). The haplotype analysis from the current grant will be compared to the geographical distribution of a Bt-resistance trait first discovered in fall armyworm from Puerto Rico and later in southern Florida. The objective will be to determine whether the resistance trait is following the migratory pathway predicted by the haplotype profile analysis. Outcome/impact: This study will generate important information as to the usefulness of the extrapolated migratory pathways to predict the movements of subpopulations that become established in an overwintering region. It will also provide an improved survey protocol for studying this resistance trait. We anticipate presentation of the results in a peer-reviewed article. Specific Aim 2 (The collections will be analyzed by a novel haplotype method to delineate the borders of the FAW migratory pathways over multiple years). We will continue and complete the analysis of the distribution of fall armyworm haplotypes using newly collected specimens. The information will provide a fifth year of data from the monitoring network and will be used to supplement and enhance the migratory map and refine the migratory model being developed. Outcome/impact: This will represent the fifth year of a five-year study mapping fall armyworm migration patterns in the United States. We anticipate the results will be presented in a peer-reviewed article after Year 5. More comprehensive analysis of collections from Mexico and the Caribbean will be performed using collaborations established in Year-3 with researchers from the University of the West Indies and the Centro de Biotecnología Genómica, Instituto Politécnico Nacional, Reynosa Tamaulipas, México, with additional collaborations having been established with researchers from Michigan State University and Monsanto who have access to additional locations in Mexico. The Mexico and Caribbean populations are of interest because their proximity makes substantial interaction with U.S. fall armyworm possible, if not likely. Outcome/impact: The genetic characterization of fall armyworm populations and their predicted movements in the Western Hemisphere will be presented in a peer-reviewed article. The archived DNA samples generated from surveys in Years 1-4 provide a resource to study the regional distributions of other genetic entities associated with fall armyworm, in this case the frequency and types of Wolbachia infections. These studies were initiated in Year 4 and will continue in Year 5. Outcome/impact: The geographical distribution of Wolbachia infection profiles will contribute to our understanding of fall armyworm population interactions in the Western Hemisphere and potentially provides a new genetic marker for following population movements. In addition, some Wolbachia infections have characteristics that make it a potentially useful tool for the biological control of pest populations, e.g., increased hybrid mortality or sterility. We anticipate the results of this survey will be presented in a peer-reviewed article by Year-5. Specific Aim 3 (Adapt air trajectory models previously designed to assess the long-range transport of particles, for use in predicting FAW dispersal patterns in the U.S. under different climate change scenarios). In Year 5, we will optimize the performance of the migration model completed this year and emphasize model validation in regions where mixing of the Texas and Florida populations of fall armyworms are suspected to occur. We will emphasize processing of gridded monthly mean general circulation model data based on climate change scenarios, and design a scheme to derive daily climate change data for use as input to the migration model. Migration model simulations will identify anomalies between migration patterns for contemporary climate and several climate change scenarios. Outcome/impact: The delivery of an optimized migration model will allow more accurate forecasts of fall armyworm infestation patterns under various climate scenarios and meteorological conditions. We anticipate presentation of the optimized model along with the results of validation studies by Year-5. Specific Aim 4 (The development of sunn hemp (Crotalaria juncea L.) in strategies to control the anticipated expansion of FAW infestations without added pesticide use). In Year 5 we will continue and complete research on the attractiveness and capacity of sunn hemp to support arthropod pollinators and reduce populations of insect pests. Specific activities include: Field studies planned for Year-5 will provide a third year of field data for sunn hemp and a second year of data for 'AU Golden' and a line from India. These data will provide more accurate estimates of the relative costs/benefits of sunn hemp usage that takes into account factors not typically considered in previous economic assessments. Outcome/impact: This year will complete the multi-year study that and the results will be presented in a peer-reviewed article, as well as disseminated to potential customers and users at field days and extension meetings. The pollinator surveys will be complemented with field studies designed to identify the specific pollinators of sunn hemp at different locations in the southeastern U.S. Field studies in Years 1-4 compared the flowering time and seeding potential for various sunn hemp lines grown in northern and central Florida. Two lines have been identified that displayed early flowering the potential for significant seeding in Florida. The primary disincentive for the domestic use of sunn hemp is the relatively high cost of seed, with inefficient domestic seed production potentially due to insufficient pollination. We will continue to identify the principle pollinators of these sunn hemp lines in various Florida locations and assess sustainable methods to increase pollinator numbers. Outcome/impact: More efficient domestic seed production will substantially increase the attractiveness of sunn hemp as an alternative cover crop. This multi-year study will be completed in Year 5, and the results presented in a peer-reviewed article.

What was accomplished under these goals? The HYSPLIT (Hybrid Single Particle Lagrangian Integrated Trajectory) model was used to simultaneously simulate long-distance migratory flight patterns of fall armyworm moths from distinct overwintering source areas (Westbrook et al. 2015). Model simulations identified regions expected to be dominated by migrants from either the Florida or Texas source locations, as well as two areas in Alabama-Georgia and Pennsylvania-Maryland where there is a strong probability of overlap between the migratory populations. This predicted migratory pattern based on air trajectory simulations closely corroborates a previous migratory map based on the distribution of fall armyworm haplotype profiles. The capacity to combine atmospheric modeling with genetic haplotype distribution analysis provides an efficient method for extrapolating and verifying long distance insect flight behaviors. The results contribute to knowledge of fall armyworm population ecology on a continental scale, and will aid in the prediction and interpretation of inter-annual variability of pest migration patterns including those in response to climatic change. Fall armyworm migration pathways in the United States were inferred from haplotype distributions and identified regions affected by different overwintering populations (Nagoshi et al. 2012a, Nagoshi et al. 2014a). These studies are continuing (with over 6000 haplotypes analyzed during Year 4 to date) in order to obtain a multi-year baseline map from which any future deviations due to climate effects can be identified. Data for the latest update to the map were used to examine the temporal stability of the migratory pathways (Nagoshi et al. 2014b). Mapping studies have been extended to the Caribbean, Mexico, and South America. In collaboration with USDA-APHIS, DNA barcoding database and methods for distinguishing fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda) from other Spodoptera species was developed (Nagoshi et al. 2011, Nagoshi et al. 2012c) and are continually being refined. This method was used to confirm species identity of field-collected specimens from Trinidad and Tobago, Mexico, Bolivia, and Argentina (Nagoshi et al. 2014b, Murua et al. 2015). The method was also used to identify unknown larvae found feeding on Bt-resistant corn at the request of University of Florida researchers. Technology transfer into the GenBank database of 37 DNA sequences describing the barcode region of fall armyworm and other Spodoptera species (accession nos. HM136586-HM136602, HM756074-HM756093). Modifications of our DNA barcoding analysis continue to be developed that can distinguish between fall armyworm host strains (Nagoshi 2012, Nagoshi et al. 2014a). Researchers in Argentina, Mexico, and the U.S. have requested our assistance for strain identification of their laboratory colonies. Technology transfer into the GenBank database of eight DNA sequences describing the barcode region of fall armyworm and other Spodoptera species (accession nos. JN621262-JN621269, HM756074-HM756093) A regional network of cooperators was established to monitor and collect fall armyworm that has been refined and modified each year as needed. The network is responsible for a greater than 100% increase in the number of reporting sites to PestWatch for fall armyworm in 2011 (203) from 2010 (94). This participation level has been maintained through 2014 with over 60,000 moths having been sorted, counted, and the numbers made available online in PestWatch. To develop more efficient pheromone trapping methods to facilitate the efforts of the regional collection network, studies were done to investigate pheromone differences between fall armyworm host strains (Unbehend et al. 2013, Unbehend et al. 2014), compare different commercial pheromone blends for trap capture rates and strain biases (Meagher et al. 2013), and to test the relative efficiencies of artificial pheromone blends (Meagher and Nagoshi 2013). The data from these studies are being used to develop new pheromone blends for testing. We developed experimental methods to test the effects of different host plants on fall armyworm ovipositional preference (Meagher et al. 2011), larval development (Hay-Roe et al. 2011), and the viability of parasitoids (Hay-Roe et al. 2013, Hay-Roe et al. 2015). These bioassays are being adapted for the investigation of sunn hemp and other cover crop candidates for their relative capacities to support fall armyworm populations and natural enemies. As part of the monitoring objectives, tests were performed to determine whether trapping based on floral attractants could be effective for the collection of fall armyworm. These have the advantages of attracting females (which are not trapped by currently available pheromones), are less expensive than pheromone blends, and can be used in 'attract-and-kill" strategies of pest mitigation. The results showed that such traps were inefficient for fall armyworm, but could be useful for other Lepidopteran pests in Florida (Landolt et al. 2013). An oviposition choice bioassay was developed to study strain-differences in plant host preference that could be adapted to facilitate comparisons of cover crops for their capacity to attract and support fall armyworm populations (Meagher et al. 2011). Georeferenced datasets from PestWatch were shared with Penn State University graduate students in Statistics in 2013, as motivating examples for addressing questions relevant to using haplotypes for tracking movement patterns.


  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Under Review Year Published: 2015 Citation: Westbrook, J. K., R. N. Nagoshi, R. L. Meagher, and S. J. Fleischer. 2015. Modeling seasonal migration of fall armyworm moths. International Journal of Biometeorology. submitted.
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Under Review Year Published: 2015 Citation: Murua, M. G., R. N. Nagoshi, D. A. Dos Santos, M. Hay-Roe, R. L. Meagher, and J. C. Vilardi. 2015. Using field collections to examine host plant specificity and the geographical distribution of fall armyworm strains in Argentina. Journal of Economic Entomology Submitted.
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2014 Citation: Huang, F., J. A. Qureshi, R. L. Meagher, D. D. Reisig, G. P. Head, D. A. Andow, X. Z. Ni, D. Kerns, G. D. Buntin, Y. Niu, F. Yang, and V. Dangal. 2014. Cry1F Resistance in Fall Armyworm Spodoptera frugiperda: Single Gene versus Pyramided Bt Maize. Plos One 9.
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2014 Citation: Unbehend, M., S. Hanniger, G. M. Vasquez, M. L. Juarez, D. Reisig, J. N. McNeil, R. L. Meagher, D. A. Jenkins, D. G. Heckel, and A. T. Groot. 2014.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2014 Citation: Nagoshi, R. N. 2014. Using genetic markers to study the distribution and migration of fall armyworm populations, Symposium: Fall Armyworm: Current Challenges and Future Directions for Its Management. Annual meeting of the Entomological Society of America, Portland, OR.
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2014 Citation: Nagoshi, R. N., R. L. Meagher, and M. Hay-Roe. 2014. Assessing the Resolution of Haplotype Distributions to Delineate Fall Armyworm (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) Migratory Behaviors. Journal of Economic Entomology 107: 1462-1470.
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2015 Citation: Nagoshi, R. N., N. Rosas-Garc�a, R. L. Meagher, S. J. Fleischer, J. K. Westbrook, T. W. Sappington, M. Hay-Roe, J. M. G. Thomas, and M. G. Mur�a. 2015. Haplotype profile comparisons between Spodoptera frugiperda (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) populations from Mexico with those from Puerto Rico, South America, and the United States and implications for migratory behavior. Journal of Economic Entomology 108: 135-144.
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Under Review Year Published: 2015 Citation: Hay-Roe, M., R. N. Nagoshi, R. L. Meagher, M. Arias de Lopez, and R. Trabinino. 2015. Isolation and DNA barcode characterization of a permanent Telenomus population in Florida that targets fall armyworm. Annals of the Entomological Society of America submitted.

Progress 04/01/13 to 03/31/14

Target Audience: The target audiences of farmers, organic growers, extension agents, and industry representatives were reached by invited presentations at the Sunn Hemp Field Day in Nassau Co., FL (2013, diiscussion topic was “Sunn Hemp in an IPM Farm Plan”), New Jersey Agricultural and Convention (Feb 6, 2013, "Regional patterns in corn borer and fall armyworm populations: implications for management"), the Discovery Days field day in the Southeast Research and Extension Center, Landisville, PA (July 18, 2013, "Pheromone trap networks, phenology models, and trap crops for invasive species."). Graduate students were reached by a workshop in the Statistics course at Penn State University where Georeferenced datasets from PestWatch were used motivating examples for addressing questions relevant to using haplotypes for tracking movement patterns. Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided? A post-doctoral fellow (Dr. Mirian Hay-Roe) is being trained in molecular and population genetics. A graduate student at Penn State University is working on the covercrop study. How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest? Trap capture data are made available on a publically assessable database (PestWatch) and is being used by growers and extension personnel. Presentations of the research have been presented to the general public at agricultural conventions (New Jersey Agricultural and Convention) and field days (SunnHemp Field Day, Nassau Co., FL; Discovery Days at the Southeast Research and Extension Center, Landisville, PA). What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals? We plan continued improvements to the PestWatch database. We will continue to attend extension events and field days.

What was accomplished under these goals? The primary objectives are the development of methods and infrastructure for the timely and long-term monitoring of pest movements, the identification of meteorological events that define migratory pathways, the forecasting of climate-induced changes in infestation patterns, and environmentally benign methods of preemptive pest control. Progress toward the proposed milestones and deliverables is on schedule with no modifications. The first version of the migration model (first milestone) and the Year-3 migration map (second milestone) are completed and the manuscripts in preparation for submission in Year-4. The first year of monitoring to validate the mapping studies (third milestone) has been initiated as scheduled with the establishment of monitoring/collection sites in regions where the Florida and Texas migration pathways were found to overlap. As we move forward into grant Years 4-5, we will use the migration model to predict the location and extent of the overlap region based on seasonal meteorological conditions, then test the accuracy of predictions by haplotype analysis of collections provided by the monitoring network. The first year of polyculture field studies (fourth milestone) has been initiated and is ongoing as scheduled. Specific accomplishments include the following. Specific aim-1: Establishment of self-sustaining monitoring networks. A regional network of cooperators was established to monitor and collect fall armyworm that has been refined and modified each year as needed. The network is responsible for a greater than 100% increase in the number of reporting sites to PestWatch for fall armyworm in 2011 (203) from 2010 (94). This participation level of over 200 reporting sites was maintained in 2012 and is continuing at a comparable pace in 2013. From 2012 to 2013 over 50,000 moths have been sorted, counted, and the numbers made available online in PestWatch. Interest in the mapping results and our research on pheromone trapping methods have stimulated continued consultations with private companies on the migration behavior, monitoring, and collection of fall armyworm in the southeastern U.S, with funding provided by Monsanto to assist in their field collections. These interactions have allowed expanded and enhanced monitoring coverage in southern and central Florida, with the data added to PestWatch. Improved and expanded the infrastructure of Pestwatch, the online interactive database used to record fall armyworm capture data. PestWatch was modified to now include a year-to-date GDD (growing degree day) maps that will be available as an updated tool. Also added were a feature rich content Management System (CMS) Expression Engine (EE) to house the website. EE provides secure login, collaboration, document loading, RSS feeds and blogging to enhance user interaction and promote community information sharing and dissemination. The web interface for the mapping tool will be upgraded with a change of software from Flash to HTML5, which will allow for some code-sharing for future mobile applications and will use OpenStreetMap for base map layers. Specific aim-2: Analysis of collections from these networks. Fall armyworm migration pathways in the United States were inferred from haplotype distributions and identified regions affected by different overwintering populations. These studies are continuing (with over 4500 haplotypes analyzed during Year 3 to date) in order to obtain a multi-year baseline map from which any future deviations due to climate effects can be identified. Data for the latest update to the map were used to examine the temporal stability of the migratory pathways (manuscript in preparation for completion by end of Year 3). The monitored region was expanded to include Mexico, South America, and the Caribbean to provide a more hemispheric description of migratory behavior that can be used to assess the likely entry points for invasive migratory pests. Researchers in Argentina, Mexico, and with the University of Florida, Louisiana State University, and Pioneer Hi-Bred have requested our technical assistance on the genetic characterization of fall armyworm. Specific aim-3: Develop models to forecast migratory behaviors. We have completed a preliminary model for fall armyworm migration that correlates the direction and magnitude of fall armyworm population movements with historical meteorological and agronomic factors. In Year 4, we will use current haplotype and survey information to refine and test the model. Specific aim-4: Develop cover crop strategies for controlling infestations. Initial field studies have been completed comparing fall armyworm attraction and development on corn, sorghum-sudangrass, sunn hemp, and a 50:50 ratio of sorghum-sudan and sunn hemp. Highest larval numbers were found on corn, followed by sorghum-sudangrass. Few larvae were found on sunn hemp. In the mixed plot, fall armyworm larvae were only observed on sorghum-sudan. Other studies showed substantially higher fall armyworm infestation in cowpeas compared to sunn hemp. The results indicated that with respect to fall armyworm mitigation, sunn hemp was a superior cover crop than the alternative legume cowpeas or the commonly used sorghum-sudan grass. A progress report was presented to extension agents and growers in an invited speaker presentation at the Sunn Hemp Field Day in Nassau Co., FL (2013). Twenty species of potential bee pollinators were identified from 956 samples collected in sunn hemp cover crops trials in Florida. Large-bodied species, especially Melissodes communis and M. bimaculata, along with Xenogloassa strenua and two Bombus spp., were consistently dominant. These species possess anatomical, behavioral and phenological traits that make them promising candidates for achieving pollination, and thus seed production, for sunn hemp in this geographic region. Research was presented to public at the 2nd International Conference on Pollinator Biology, Health, and Policy. University Park, PA. August 14-17, 2013.


  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2013 Citation: Meagher, R. L., and R. N. Nagoshi. 2013. Attraction of fall armyworm males (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) to host strain females. Environmental Entomology 42: 751-757.
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2013 Citation: Unbehend, M., S. Hanniger, R. L. Meagher, D. G. Heckel, and A. T. Groot. 2013. Pheromonal divergence between two strains of Spodoptera frugiperda. Journal of Chemical Ecology 39: 364-376.
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2012 Citation: Nagoshi, R. N., R. L. Meagher, and M. Hay-Roe. 2012a. Inferring the annual migration patterns of fall armyworm (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in the United States from mitochondrial haplotypes. Ecology and Evolution 2: 1458-1467.
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2012 Citation: Nagoshi, R. N. 2012. Improvements in the identification of strains facilitate population studies of fall armyworm subgroups. Annals of the Entomological Society of America 105: 351-358.
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2012 Citation: Nagoshi, R. N., M. G. Murua, M. Hay-Roe, M. L. Juarez, E. Willink, and R. L. Meagher. 2012b. Genetic characterization of fall armyworm (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) host strains in Argentina. Journal of Economic Entomology 105: 418-428.
  • Type: Journal Articles Status: Published Year Published: 2013 Citation: Landolt, P. J., M. Toth, R. L. Meagher, and I. Szarukan. 2013. Interaction of acetic acid and phenylacetaldehyde as attractants for trapping pest species of moths (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Pest Management Science 69: 245-249.
  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations Status: Published Year Published: 2013 Citation: Fleischer, S. J. 2013. Regional patterns in corn borer and fall armyworm populations: implications for management. Proc., New Jersey Agricultural and Convention. Atlantic City, NJ.

Progress 04/01/12 to 03/31/13

OUTPUTS: Research activities accomplished in year two include: (1) Surveys and collections of fall armyworm from central and eastern U.S. and Canada for a second growing season; (2) Molecular characterization of specimens for haplotype analysis; (3) A second year of field studies to assess fall armyworm populations supported by the potential cover crop, sunn hemp. Mentoring activities included: (1) Continued supervision and training of postdoctoral fellow (Dr. Mirian Hay-Roe); (2) A second visit and continued training of visiting scientist (Dr. G. Murua) from CONICET (Argentina science agency) on haplotype analysis of fall armyworm subpopulations. Events participated in year two included scientific presentations of research accomplished at the Integrated Pest Management Symposium at the International Congress of Entomology (Daegu, Korea, Aug 17-25, 2012) and the annual meeting of the North Central Committee NCERA-213 on the Migration and Dispersal of Agriculturally-Important Biota (Daytona Beach, FL October 4-5, 2012. Services provided in year two included continued consultations with Pioneer Hi-Bred, Monsanto, and Dow Agrosciences on fall armyworm collections, a second year of collaboration and consulting with CONICET, Argentina on fall armyworm population studies; and a second year of interactions with five growers (AL and GA) on ground cover research and fall armyworm infestations. Products developed in year two included an expanded fall armyworm monitoring and collection network that now involves over 140 sites in 29 U.S. states, two sites in northern Mexico, and 36 sites in Canada, with over 125 cooperators participating. Collaborations continued for a second year with a seed producer specializing in ground cover plants (Richard Petcher) and two University of Florida researchers (Dr. G. Nuessley, Dr. D. Wright) on sunn hemp cover crop studies. Results from research activities were disseminated to communities of interests by participation in scientific conferences and meetings (listed under Events), by consulting services provide to private companies and public institutions (listed under Services), and by the extensive interactions with cooperators across the central and eastern U.S. participating in the fall armyworm monitoring network. PARTICIPANTS: Dr. Mirian Hay-Roe is a post-doctoral project who worked on the project for 6 months during the reporting period. She was involved in the haplotype characterization of the fall armyworm collections. James T. Brown is a research technician who worked for 9 months during the reporting period assisting in the collection of fall armyworm specimens. TARGET AUDIENCES: Nothing significant to report during this reporting period. PROJECT MODIFICATIONS: Nothing significant to report during this reporting period.

For year two, changes in knowledge that occurred included: A DNA barcode database that facilitates identification of morphologically similar native moth species and invasive Spodoptera species (published in peer-reviewed journal); Description of fall armyworm migration pathways in the United States inferred from haplotype distributions and identified regions affected by different overwintering populations (published in peer-reviewed journal); Identification of regions where migrations from the Florida and Texas overwintering populations overlap and are particularly susceptible to local weather conditions and geographical features (submitted to peer-reviewed journal); Characterization of fall armyworm haplotypes in Argentina (published in peer-reviewed journal); Additional genetic markers that facilitate the discrimination of fall armyworm host strains (published in peer-reviewed journal). Changes in action included: Adoption by scientists in Argentina (CONICET) of our molecular haplotyping methods to characterize fall armyworm subpopulations in Argentina, Paraguay, and Brazil; Substantial increase in PestWatch participation initiated by establishment of the fall armyworm monitoring network in year one (94 reporting sites in 2010 to 203 in 2011) has been sustained in in year two (151 reporting sites as of July, 2012); after consultations, two private companies (Monsanto and Pioneer Hi-Bred) are focusing surveys on the potential spread of a Bt-resistance allele from Puerto Rico on Florida and adjacent states; Our work on Spodoptera barcodes in Florida populations led to USDA-APHIS initiating a collaboration to a collaboration to include analysis of high priority invasive Spodoptera species (S. litura, S. littoralis). Change in conditions included an expanded fall armyworm monitoring network due to the addition in year two of 133 sites in 30 states/countries involving 75 new cooperators.


  • Nagoshi, R. N. Improvements in the identification of strains facilitate population of studies of fall armyworm subgroups. Annals of the Entomological Society of America 105: 351-358. (2012)
  • Nagoshi, R. N., M. G. Murua, M. M. Hay-Roe, M. L. Juarez, E. Willink, and R. Meagher. 2012. Genetic characterization of fall armyworm (Lepidoptera:Noctuidae) host strains in Argentina. Journal of Economic Entomology 105: 418-428. (2012)
  • Nagoshi, R. N., Meagher, R. L., and M. Hay-Roe. Inferring the annual migration patterns of fall armyworm (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in the U.S. from mitochondrial haplotypes. Ecology and Evolution 2(7): 1458-1467. (2012)

Progress 04/01/11 to 03/31/12

OUTPUTS: The following research activities were accomplished in year one: (1) Surveys and collections of fall armyworm from central and eastern U.S. and Canada; (2) Molecular characterization of specimens for haplotype analysis; (3) Field studies to assess fall armyworm populations supported by the potential cover crop, sunn hemp. Mentoring activities included: (1) Training of postdoctoral fellow (Dr. Mirian Hay-Roe); (2) Training of visiting scientist (Dr. G. Murua) from CONICET, Argentina on haplotype analysis of fall armyworm subpopulations. Events participated in year one included scientific presentations of research accomplished at the: (1) Climate Change and Implications for Plant Science Symposium, the University of Guelph, June 6-9, 2011; (2) Department of Entomology, Ohio State University, September 26-27, 2011; (3) Annual meeting of the North Central Committee NCERA-213 on the Migration and Dispersal of Agriculturally-Important Biota, Dallas, TX, October 5-6, 2011; (4) Department of Entomology, Penn State University, University Park, PA. October 14, 2011; (5) Annual meeting of the Entomological Society of America, Reno, NV, November 13-16, 2011; (6) Department of Entomology, Iowa State University, Ames, IA. April 18, 2012. Services provided in year one centered on consultations with private companies, private growers, and public research organizations both domestic and international. They included: (1) Pioneer Hi-Bred and Monsanto on collection and genetic characterization of fall armyworm in the southeastern U.S.; (2) Dow Agrosciences on fall armyworm collections from Florida and the establishment of laboratory colonies; (3) CONICET, Argentina on fall armyworm population distributions in different host plant habitats; (4) Everglades Research & Education Center, University of Florida, identification of fall armyworm strains infesting experimental corn plantings; (5) Five growers (AL and GA) on ground cover research and fall armyworm infestations. Products developed in year one included: (1) Significant expansion of the online PestWatch database ( to now include weekly reports from new locations in 15 U.S. states and two Canadian provinces along the fall armyworm migration pathways; (2) Collaborations with a seed producer specializing in ground cover plants (Richard Petcher) and two University of Florida researchers (Dr. G. Nuessley, Dr. D. Wright) on sunn hemp cover crop studies. Results from research activities were disseminated to communities of interests by participation in scientific conferences and meetings (listed under Events) and in consulting services provide to private companies and public institutions (listed under Services). Research results were also integrated into Extension activities for dissemination. The fall armyworm migration information in PestWatch was compiled with weekly status reports on migratory insect and plant pathogens that threaten vegetable production and disseminated via blogs, a website, and a listserve. PARTICIPANTS: Dr. Rod Nagoshi (PI, primary investigator): DNA sequence comparisons of fall armyworm specimens. Dr. John Westbrook (PI): Coordinated specimen collections in Texas and central U.S. Dr. Shelby Fleischer (PI): Coordinated specimen collections in northeastern U.S. and Canada. Dr. Robert Meagher (PI): Coordinated specimen collections in the southeastern U.S. Dr. Mirian Hay-Roe is a post-doc being trained in molecular genetics and did work on the molecular characterization of the fall armyworm collections. Mr. James T. Brown is a research technician who sorts and counts fall armyworm specimens from field collections. Dr. G. Nuessley (University of Florida) and Dr. D. Wright (University of Florida) collaborated on planting and monitoring sunn hemp cover crop fields. Mr. Richard Petcher (collaborator) provided sunn hemp seeds. TARGET AUDIENCES: Nothing significant to report during this reporting period. PROJECT MODIFICATIONS: Nothing significant to report during this reporting period.

Change in knowledge resulting from the year one research includes descriptions of variability in the haplotype sequences of Florida fall armyworm populations identified in the surveys of Florida populations. These were used to develop DNA barcoding methods for the identification of invasive Spodoptera species. Change in conditions includes: (1) Expansion of the network of cooperators participating in the fall armyworm migration study to allow weekly monitoring of an additional 74 sites in the U.S. and 36 sites in Canada; (2) Technology transfer of 20 DNA sequences describing the barcode region of fall armyworm and other Spodoptera species into the GenBank database.


  • Nagoshi, R. N., J. Brambila, and R. L. Meagher. Use of DNA barcodes to identify invasive armyworm Spodoptera species in Florida. Journal of Insect Science 11:154 available online: 431 (2011)