Source: MICHIGAN STATE UNIV submitted to
Sponsoring Institution
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Project Status
Funding Source
Reporting Frequency
Accession No.
Grant No.
Project No.
Proposal No.
Multistate No.
Program Code
Project Start Date
Oct 1, 2014
Project End Date
Sep 30, 2017
Grant Year
Project Director
Thiem, S.
Recipient Organization
Performing Department
Non Technical Summary
Wolbachia is an obligate bacterial endosymbiont of insects. Because of this they cannot be isolated and cultured free of their insect hosts, but must be grown within infected insect cells or insects. They are important because they can reduce the reproductive success of insects, for example by causing a phenomenon called cytoplasmic incompatibility or CI. CI causes embryonic lethality when infected males mate with uninfected females or with females infected with a different strain of Wolbachia, resulting in no viable offspring. Wolbachia have also been shown to prevent the transmission of insect-vectored diseases, such as West Nile and Dengue viruses and Malaria. The underlying mechanisms responsible for causing CI in insects and for Wolbachia inhibition of the ability of mosquitoes to vector pathogens are poorly understood. A major impediment for elucidating these mechanisms is the lack of a viable genetic manipulation system for Wolbachia.The goal of this project is to develop a genetic manipulation system for Wolbachia. The inability to grow Wolbachia outside of a host cell, presents a number of challenges. In this project we will use a Wolbachia isolated from mosquito cells, the tools of molecular biology, and cultured mosquito cells to test methods for modifying the Wolbachia genome, infecting cultured cells, and isolating transformed Wolbachia. Investigations will include how to get the Wolbachia to take up or internalize DNA constructs that can alter its genome (transformation) and what cell culture conditions promote the establishment and growth of the transformed Wolbachia. We will investigate methods for modifying the Wolbachia genome by insertional-mutagenesis, that is the insertion of a fragment of DNA into the Wolbachia genomic DNA to interrupt or disable the function of Wolbachia genes. The inserted DNA fragment carries genetic markers that will be used to select or identify the transformed Wolbachia. The inserted DNA fragments also function in mapping the insertion sites in the Wolbachia genome by serving as targets for priming sequencing of the Wolbachia DNA flanking the insertion. Insertional-mutagenesis makes it possible to investigate the functions of Wolbachia genes by studying the changes in Wolbachia function when specific genes are deleted or disabled. Transformation methods to be tested are generating random insertions using transposon systems and targeted insertions of specific genes using homologous recombination. For homologous recombination, we will investigate a newly developed genome editing system based on bacterial immune systems, CRISPR/Cas9, to target specific Wolbachia genome for cleavage within the gene to be replaced. The results of these investigations will be shared through publication in scientific journals and professional meetings. The successful completion of this project is expected to provide the tools to advance understanding of how Wolbachia alters insect reproduction and their ability to transmit pathogens. These tools will also facilitate genetic manipulation of Wolbachia for insect control strategies.
Animal Health Component
Research Effort Categories

Knowledge Area (KA)Subject of Investigation (SOI)Field of Science (FOS)Percent
Goals / Objectives
Primary objective: Develop a genetic manipulation system for Wolbachia, an obligate endosymbiotic bacteria of insects.Goals to be achieved to reach this objective:Develop transformation methods for Wolbachia using insertional mutagenesis with expressed reporter genes (fluorescent protein, or other marker, and/or antibiotic resistance genes).Develop and optimize cell culture methods that promote replication and recovery of transformed Wolbachia.Identify and validate optimal reporter genes and gene promoters for expression in Wolbachia.Map insertion sites of transposons or other insertion cassettes in the Wolbachia genome.Develop methods for isolating clonal isolates of Wolbachia mutants.
Project Methods
Standard molecular biology methodology will be used and Wolbachia will be propagated in cultured mosquito cells. Wolbachia strain wAlbB will be isolated from the Aedes Albopictus cell line Aa23. Following transformation Wolbachia will be used to infect Aa23T cells, Aa23 cells that have been cured of Wolbachia infection with tetracycline treatment. Established mosquito cell culture methods and infection protocols will be used initially and modified experimentally to optimize growth and recovery of transformed Wolbachia. Transformation methodology developed for Rickettsia will be used as a starting point and optimized for Wolbachia. Reporter gene cassettes comprising antibiotic resistance and fluorescent protein, or other types of reporter, genes expressed from Rickettsia or Wolbachia promoters will be introduced on plasmid DNA or PCR products within a transposable element, to introduce random mutations in the Wolbachia genome, or between specific Wolbachia genomic sequences for homologous recombination at specific loci. For CRISPR mediated genome editing, a plasmid-borne gene targeting system will be tested for the ability to introduce site-specific cleavage in the Wolbachia genome to enhance site-specific insertion of the reporter gene cassette by homologous recombination. Different antibiotic resistance genes, reporter genes, and promoters will be tested for optimal expression in Wolbachia, and different cell culture conditions and antibiotic regimes will be tested to determine the conditions needed for recovering and maintaining the growth of transformed Wolbachia in newly infected Aa23T cells. Transformation will be evaluated using PCR and quantitative PCR (Q-PCR) using reporter gene primers to analyze transformation of Wolbachia prior to infecting cells and both reporter gene and Wolbachia specific primers to analyze infected cells following infection and selection with antibiotics over-time post infection. Fluorescent microscopy will also be employed for evaluation transformation. A modified inverse PCR approach and DNA sequencing will be used to identify insertion-sites of transposons and the reporter gene cassette.The knowledge gained from the project will be disseminated through publication in scientific journals and presentations at scientific meetings. Methods and materials will be shared with others in the field.The success of the project will be evaluated by: 1) demonstrating that plasmid or PCR products are taken up (internalized) by Wolbachia during transformation, 2) demonstrating that the transforming DNA (reporter gene cassette within a transposon or alone through homologous recombination) has inserted into the Wolbachia genome, 3) demonstrating that transformed Wolbachia are maintained in infected cells over time, and 4) obtaining populations of Wolbachia with single gene mutations.

Progress 10/01/14 to 09/30/17

Target Audience: Nothing Reported Changes/Problems: Nothing Reported What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided? Nothing Reported How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest? Nothing Reported What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals? Nothing Reported

What was accomplished under these goals? Using methodologies developed for transforming Rickettsia, another bacterial endosymbiont of arthropods, and those for transferring Wolbachia to naïve cell lines, we developed basic protocols for transforming Wolbachia and introducing them back into host cells. Optimization of these methodologies were ongoing. We tested transposon mutagenesis using preformed "transposomes", that is transposons complexed with their cognate transposases, and as well as plasmid systems in which the transposase is expressed from the plasmid borne gene. The generation of antibiotic resistant populations of Wolbachia within the recovered cells and positive PCR screens indicated that transformation using the transposome method was successful. However, we were unable to establish stable populations of cells containing transformed Wolbachia as cells grew and were passaged. One hypothesis for these results is that transposon insertion at a viable site was rare and Wolbachia insertions were lost when cells were diluted upon passage. Because of these results, we decided to focus attention on site-directed mutagenesis and the CRISPR/Cas9 system. Making the same mutation in all the transformed Wolbachia should make it possible to establish cell populations with a common mutated Wolbachia. To this end we are determining which Wolbachia genes to target by comparing the wAlbB genomic sequences with other bacterial species in the literature to identify targets that are likely to be dispensible, as well as investigating wAlbB promoters for use in developing the constructs needed for transformation of Wolbachia with the CRISPR/Cas9 system. We previously, tested the use of transposomes, preassembled transposase/transposon complexes comprised of an enzyme that randomly cuts the Wolbachia DNA and inserts a linear piece of DNA encoding the marker genes. We developed basic protocols for transforming Wolbachia and introducing them back into host cells. The generation of antibiotic resistant populations of Wolbachia within the recovered cells and positive polymerase chain reaction (PCR) screens indicated that transformation using the transposome method was successful. However, we were unable to establish stable populations of cells containing transformed Wolbachia as cells grew and were passaged. Because transposon insert randomly and multiple Wolbachia may enter a single cell, it is likely that cells carrying Wolbachia with transposon insertions were lost when cells were diluted upon passage. We also focused on the use of the recently developed CRISPER/Cas9 system. This system, derived from a bacterial anti-virus defense system, facilitates targeted cutting of genomes, such that a single gene is disabled. Because all of the Wolbachia will have a mutation in the same gene it will be easier to isolate a population of cells carrying the mutated Wolbachia. Because little is known about the functions of most Wolbachia genes one of our first tasks was to identify putative target genes that are likely to be non-essential for Wolbachia survival. Moreover, if possible we wanted to choose genes that could potentially be involved in CI, as this would give us both a functional assay in mosquitoes and could provide insight into the CI mechanism. To do this we relied on a genomic study in Drosophila (Sutton et al. BMC Genomics 2014, 15:928), in which two closely related strains of Wolbachia were compared. They differed in that one strain induced CI and the other strain could not. Several genes that were inactivated or deleted from the non-inducing strain but not the inducing strain were identified. We selected three of these, which were also missing in other non-CI-inducing strains, as potential targets. The genome of the wAlbB strain has not been fully assembled and is available only as a collection of contigs. Of the three selected genes from the Drosophila study we were able to identify a wAlbB homolog for only one of them. To increase the number of test targets two additional genes were selected. These are genes of unknown function containing ankyrin repeat domains. Ankyrin repeat domain proteins are also thought to be involved in CI, and are highly represented in the Wolbachia genome. Guide RNAs for cleaving the wALbB genome and were designed based on these sequences. The rest of our efforts were focused on determining conditions for transforming Wolbachia. In mosquitoes, my colleague's group found that injecting Cas9 protein was more effective at cleaving the mosquito genomic DNA than plasmid expressed Cas9. Moreover, when Wolbachia are isolated from their host cells they remain viable for several days but do not replicate, suggesting they may not be very active metabolically. Therefore we decided to focus on transformation using the Cas9 protein along with guide RNAs rather than expressing the Cas9 and the guide RNAs from plasmids. There is little information in the literature on bacterial transformation with proteins, so we initially tried to determine conditions using a fluorescent protein marker. However this was not sensitive enough for a reliable assay. We worked on developing PCR based assays to evaluate CRISPR/Cas9 cutting. This was somewhat challenging because most prokaryotes do not have the capability to do nonhomologous end joining repairs as do eukaryotes. For rapid detection of cleavage and without the added step of reintroducing the Wolbachia into insect cells, we need to be able to detect a gap rather than a deletion. One possible method is linker ligated PCR, but we sought a more rapid assay. Ultimately, our goal was to introduce a cassette carrying antibiotic and fluorescent protein selection markers, as in the transposome efforts, with end-homology to the Wolbachia genome flanking the cuts. Thus, another strategy would be to include the insertion cassette for homologous recombination. This would facilitate fairly straight-forward PCR analysis but if the results are negative it would be difficult to determine if the problem is genome cleavage or homologous recombination.


    Progress 10/01/15 to 09/30/16

    Target Audience: Nothing Reported Changes/Problems:Current focus is on CRISPER/Cas9 system and homologous recombination rather than transposon mediated mutagenesis. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided? Nothing Reported How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest? Nothing Reported What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?Our goals for the next reporting system is to continue to work on developing CRISPR/Cas9 for Wolbachia modification with an emphasis on modifying or developing assays to assess cleavage of the Wolbachia genome following electroporation. A reliable assay would facilitate optimization the electroporation protocols. Once these are accomplished we will move on to test for homologous recombination in this system and reintroduction into mosquito cells. There is a paucity of characterized Wolbachia promoters available for use in a Wolbachia genetic system, so as time permits we will characterize additional wAlbB promoters.

    What was accomplished under these goals? We previously, tested the use of transposomes, preassembled transposase/transposon complexes comprised of an enzyme that randomly cuts the Wolbachia DNA and inserts a linear piece of DNA encoding the marker genes. We developed basic protocols for transforming Wolbachia and introducing them back into host cells. The generation of antibiotic resistant populations of Wolbachia within the recovered cells and positive polymerase chain reaction (PCR) screens indicated that transformation using the transposome method was successful. However, we were unable to establish stable populations of cells containing transformed Wolbachia as cells grew and were passaged. Because transposon insert randomly and multiple Wolbachia may enter a single cell, it is likely that cells carrying Wolbachia with transposon insertions were lost when cells were diluted upon passage. This reporting period we focused on the use of the recently developed CRISPER/Cas9 system. This system, derived from a bacterial anti-virus defense system, facilitates targeted cutting of genomes, such that a single gene is disabled. Because all of the Wolbachia will have a mutation in the same gene it will be easier to isolate a population of cells carrying the mutated Wolbachia. Because little is known about the functions of most Wolbachia genes one of our first tasks was to identify putative target genes that are likely to be non-essential for Wolbachia survival. Moreover, if possible we wanted to choose genes that could potentially be involved in CI, as this would give us both a functional assay in mosquitoes and could provide insight into the CI mechanism. To do this we relied on a genomic study in Drosophila (Sutton et al. BMC Genomics 2014, 15:928), in which two closely related strains of Wolbachia were compared. They differed in that one strain induced CI and the other strain could not. Several genes that were inactivated or deleted from the non-inducing strain but not the inducing strain were identified. We selected three of these, which were also missing in other non-CI-inducing strains, as potential targets. The genome of the wAlbB strain has not been fully assembled and is available only as a collection of contigs. Of the three selected genes from the Drosophila study we were able to identify a wAlbB homolog for only one of them. To increase the number of test targets two additional genes were selected. These are genes of unknown function containing ankyrin repeat domains. Ankyrin repeat domain proteins are also thought to be involved in CI, and are highly represented in the Wolbachia genome. Guide RNAs for cleaving the wALbB genome and were designed based on these sequences. The rest of our efforts have focused on determining conditions for transforming Wolbachia. In mosquitoes, my colleague's group found that injecting Cas9 protein was more effective at cleaving the mosquito genomic DNA than plasmid expressed Cas9. Moreover, when Wolbachia are isolated from their host cells they remain viable for several days but do not replicate, suggesting they may not be very active metabolically. Therefore we decided to focus on transformation using the Cas9 protein along with guide RNAs rather than expressing the Cas9 and the guide RNAs from plasmids. There is little information in the literature on bacterial transformation with proteins, so we initially tried to determine conditions using a fluorescent protein marker. However this was not sensitive enough for a reliable assay. We are now developing PCR based assays to evaluate CRISPR/Cas9 cutting. This is somewhat challenging because most prokaryotes do not have the capability to do non-homologous end joining repairs as do eukaryotes. For rapid detection of cleavage and without the added step of reintroducing the Wolbachia into insect cells, we need to be able to detect a gap rather than a deletion. One possible method is linker ligated PCR, but we are seeking a more rapid assay. Ultimately, our goal is to introduce a cassette carrying antibiotic and fluorescent protein selection markers, as in the transposome efforts, with end-homology to the Wolbachia genome flanking the cuts. Thus, another strategy would be to include the insertion cassette for homologous recombination. This would facilitate fairly straight-forward PCR analysis but if the results are negative it would be difficult to determine if the problem is genome cleavage or homologous recombination. We had planned to identify and characterize wAlbB gene promoters during this reporting period. That work was not done.


      Progress 10/01/14 to 09/30/15

      Target Audience: Nothing Reported Changes/Problems:Because we were unable to establish stable transformed lines using the random insertion of transposons we plan to focus on site-specific mutagenesis using the CRISPR/Cas9 system. At this time we have few promoters to use in our constructs. We are limited by a paucity of information about potential Wolbachia promoters. Only one promoter from the strain of Wolbachia, wAlbB, we are studying has been characterized. This is the promoter for Wolbachia surface protein, wsp, a highly expressed gene. However, the wAlbB genomic sequence has been determined, although not completely assembled, we use this data to identify prospective promoters for this work. Information on other Wolbachia, as well as other bacteria, from the literature will be used to select prospective promoters for strong constituative expression. We also plan to explore the incorporation of the lambda red recombinase system for enhancing the efficiency of recombination in Wolbachia as reported for transformation of Escherichia coli with CRISPR/Cas9. What opportunities for training and professional development has the project provided? Nothing Reported How have the results been disseminated to communities of interest? Nothing Reported What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish the goals?The major goal for the next reporting system is to characterize additional wAlbB promoters, make the necessary plasmid constructs for CRISPR targeted site-specific mutagenesis of Wolbachia, and work towards establishing CRISPR/Cas9 mutagenesis in Wolbachia.

      What was accomplished under these goals? Using methodologies developed for transforming Rickettsia, another bacterial endosymbiont of arthropods, and those for transferring Wolbachia to naïve cell lines, we developed basic protocols for transforming Wolbachia and introducing them back into host cells. Optimization of these methodologies are ongoing. We tested transposon mutagenesis using preformed "transposomes", that is transposons complexed with their cognate transposases, and as well as plasmid systems in which the transposase is expressed from the plasmid borne gene. The generation of antibiotic resistant populations of Wolbachia within the recovered cells and positive PCR screens indicated that transformation using the transposome method was successful. However, we were unable to establish stable populations of cells containing transformed Wolbachia as cells grew and were passaged. One hypothesis for these results is that transposon insertion at a viable site was rare and Wolbachia insertions were lost when cells were diluted upon passage. Because of these results, we decided to focus attention on site-directed mutagenesis and the CRISPR/Cas9 system. Making the same mutation in all the transformed Wolbachia should make it possible to establish cell populations with a common mutated Wolbachia. To this end we are determining which Wolbachia genes to target by comparing the wAlbB genomic sequences with other bacterial species in the literature to identify targets that are likely to be dispensible, as well as investigating wAlbB promoters for use in developing the constructs needed for transformation of Wolbachia with the CRISPR/Cas9 system.
