The Current Research Information System (CRIS) is the U.S. Department of Agriculture's (USDA) documentation and reporting system for ongoing agricultural, food and nutrition, and forestry research. The system contains over 30,000 descriptions of current, publicly supported research projects being conducted by USDA agencies, state and Agricultural Experiment Stations (worldwide), state land-grant colleges and universities, state schools of forestry, cooperating schools of veterinary medicine and USDA grant recipients. A project within CRIS is a three-to-five-year research activity that is taking place at a single location. By consolidating information about projects, CRIS can provide answers to the following questions:
By establishing a centralized database of project information, CRIS helps its user to:
Subject AreasCRIS contains information about projects related to the entire range of subjects with which the USDA is concerned. Major subject areas include:
Data CollectionCRIS information is collected primarily through the use of four forms:
Most data (99%) is received electronically using the web and a PC-based Windows program known as CRISFRMS. When paper forms are received, CRIS office personnel enter the data. System Management and Contact Information The system is managed by the CRIS division of the USDA Science and Education Resources Development (SERD) office that is part of the National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA). For additional information, contact: Current Research Information System USDA/NIFA/SERD 1400 Independence Avenue, S.W. Stop 2270 Washington, DC 20250 Phone: 202-690-0119 FAX: 202-690-0634 E-mail: |