REEIS relies on data from several sources to provide its reports. Important facts have been gathered about each of these source systems in order to assist you in determining whether the data will meet your information needs and to provide a context for understanding the most appropriate uses of the data.
The table below includes some important facts about the systems history, the data that is available in the system, the means by which the data is collected, and any special circumstances of conditions that affect the collection, processing, and reporting of that data.
Source System: Food and Agricultural Education Information System (FAEIS)
The mission of the Food and Agricultural Education Information System (FAEIS) is to offer a broad range of higher education statistics related to the food and agricultural sciences (Agriculture, Forestry, Renewable Natural Resources, Family and Consumer Sciences, Veterinary Medicine, and closely allied fields). |
Historically, FAEIS was established as a cooperative agreement between the USDA/National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) Higher Education Programs (HEP) and Texas A&M University. FAEIS was discontinued in 2001. In 2002, FAEIS began a transition to a web-based system. There is no data for 2001 since the system was in transition. |
REEIS does not create or change FAEIS data. The data is administered by Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. |
Historically, FAEIS data collection has been used to produce a series of printed Annual Reports, which have been distributed to the participating groups. The reports have consisted of the following products: Degrees Awarded tables, updated for Agriculture, Renewable Natural Resources and Forestry Sciences; Enrollment tables, updated for Agriculture, Renewable Natural Resources and Forestry Sciences; Placement tables, updated for Agriculture, Renewable Natural Resources and Forestry Sciences; Faculty tables, updated for Agriculture, Renewable Natural Resources and Forestry Sciences; Degrees Awarded tables, updated for Family and Consumer Sciences; Enrollment tables, updated for Family and Consumer Sciences; Faculty tables, updated for Family and Consumer Sciences. |
Classification of Instructional Program (CIP) codes were revised in 2000. Data from 2000 and prior use 1990 codes. |
Some data collected in the initial surveys was not broken down by certain categories and fields may have been marked as unknown. This data could be sorted by categories when imported into REEIS and will appear in report totals. |
FAEIS enrollment data contains statistics (Associate and higher) of students enrolled in specific instructional programs, from all affiliated institutions in Food and Agricultural sciences, as well as Family and Consumer Science programs. |
Agricultural degrees awarded, enrollment and placement information has been assimilated from institutions into the FAEIS system on an annual basis (starting in year 1993). |
Family and consumer science information has been assimilated into the FAEIS system on a biennial basis, enrollment in odd years (starting in 1993) and degrees awarded in even years (starting in 1994). |
Family and Consumer Sciences (FCS) reported enrollment data by ethnicity every other year beginning in 1999. |
Family and Consumer Sciences (FCS) reported degrees awarded data by gender every other year beginning in 1994 (even years). |
Family and Consumer Sciences (FCS) reported degrees awarded data by ethnicity beginning in 2000. |
A Classification of Instructional Program (CIP) Code with a * beside it indicated the CIP code was created by Texas A&M University to accommodate a major not defined in the 1990 CIP standards. |
Report cells that are labeled NULL indicate the institution did not report any data. |
Ethnicity data was not captured for students enrolled in associate programs. |
For data covering years 1993-2000, ethnicity and gender data were collected separately and therefore cannot be reported together. |