4-H Reports
- National 4-H Enrollment
- National 4-H Enrollment (1996-2003)
- 4-H Historical Trends - With Graphs
- 4-H Curriculum Classification
- 4-H Curriculum Classification with Sub Categories
- Total Enrollment (Duplications Eliminated) (includes 2005,2006,2007,2008 & 2009 data)
- Organized 4-H Clubs
- Special Interest Programs
- 4-H Overnight Camping
- 4-H School Enrichment
- School Grade (includes 2005,2006,2007,2008 & 2009 data)
- Place of Residence of 4-H Participants (includes 2005,2006,2007,2008 & 2009 data)
- Numbers of Youth Involved in Cooperative Extension System Initiatives, and Source of Program Youth Totals
- Total 4-H Youth by Racial-Ethnic Classification (Duplications Eliminated)
- Total 4-H Youth by Racial-Ethnic Classification (Duplications Eliminated) with Area Graph
- Annual Extension Youth Enrollment Report
- 4-H Volunteer Service by Race and Classification of Service
- 4-H Volunteer Service by Gender and Classification of Service
- With Census Data