REEIS relies on data from several sources to provide its reports. Important facts have been gathered about each of these source systems in order to assist you in determining whether the data will meet your information needs and to provide a context for understanding the most appropriate uses of the data.
The table below includes some important facts about the systems history, the data that is available in the system, the means by which the data is collected, and any special circumstances of conditions that affect the collection, processing, and reporting of that data.

Source System: 4-H

REEIS does not create any data found in the 4-H Youth Development Enrollment Report. REEIS only imports the data. Data values are not changed.
The data in 4-H covers years 1996 through 2010 and will be updated annually. However, data for 2004 was not reported because the data collection method was in transition.
2005 data was collected differently than previous year's data and not as much data was collected. Therefore, most of the previous year's reports will not be available for 2005.
The Youth Development Enrollment Report is generated on an annual basis. The REEIS office does not create the data nor does it maintain the source system.
The 4-H Youth Development Enrollment Report is sponsored and managed by USDA/NIFA/F4-HN.
4-H Youth Development Enrollment Report data is collected on form ES-237.
Each county of a state provides aggregated data to the State and each State provides aggregated data to NIFA of the USDA.
The principal uses of the system are to justify the 4-H program, monitor long-term trends, and report on initiatives and special emphases.
The annual report contains information related to youths (K-12) and volunteers enrolled in 4-H. Information is organized by demographic characteristics, delivery mode, curriculum category, state, region and nationally.
The NIFA does not certify the accuracy of the data. The accuracy of the data depends on the accuracy of each county's and state's collection process.
Confidentiality of the enrollee is the main reason that counties and states provide only aggregated data.
The annual report is published using the aggregated state data. Enrollee and county detail data is not available in the 4-H database.
Elements that are left blank on the ES-237 survey form appear as zero in the database.
The National Initiatives and Curriculum Classifications change periodically.
For data collected in 1996-2003 when a state does not provide any input for a given year, the state's previous year's data is then used. For data collected in 2005 and beyond when a state does not provide any input for a given year, a zero is reported.
Definition of Terms:

  • "Youth" - Refers to the total of male and female youth.
  • "*Special" - 4-H participants who are mentally challenged and over the age of 19.
  • "4-H Unit" - An identifiable group of youth recognized by Extension and organized to have similar 4-H learning experiences (e.g., club, classroom of students, after-school program, or a camp session). A 4-H unit often offers multiple subjects or learning experiences, while still continuing to be the same 4-H unit.
  • "Duplications Not Eliminated" - Total numbers of youth which appear in that column, even though some are counted more than once.
  • "Duplications Eliminated" - Actual number of different individuals, with each counted only once.
  • "4-H Volunteer" - Any adult or youth recognized by Extension as giving service to the 4-H program without salary or wages from Extension.
  • "Direct Volunteer" - Unpaid support for the 4-H program through face-to-face contact with youth, by a youth or adult, e.g.: project leader, club leader, camp counselor, teacher.
  • "Indirect Volunteer" - Unpaid support for the 4-H program by a youth or adult which does not include face-to-face contact with youth. e.g. boards, committees
  • "Adult Volunteer" - Unpaid support for the 4-H program by an individual beyond high school age
  • "Youth Volunteer" - Unpaid support for the 4-H program by a person who has not yet graduated from high school
  • "4-H Youth Participant" - Any youth taking part in programs provided as a result of action by extension personnel (professional, paraprofessional, and volunteer). This includes youth participating in programs conducted through 1862, 1890, and 1994 land-grant universities, EFNEP, urban gardening, and other programs that may not actually use the 4-H name and emblem with participants.