Facts About CYFAR
REEIS relies on data from several sources to provide its reports. Important facts have been gathered about each of these source systems in order to assist you in determining whether the data will meet your information needs and to provide a context for understanding the most appropriate uses of the data.
The table below includes some important facts about the systems history, the data that is available in the system, the means by which the data is collected, and any special circumstances of conditions that affect the collection, processing, and reporting of that data.
Source System: Children, Youth, and Families at Risk Program (CYFAR)
REEIS imports the CYFAR data from the CYFAR program. REEIS does not create or change the data. |
The CYFAR data used in this datamart spans the 2001 to 2006 years inclusively. |
CYFAR data consists of State and Community Project Overview data and Demographic Information. |
Frequency of Updates To be Determined. |
The purpose of the CYFAR data is to provide information on CYFAR Projects and demographic details on the participants, staff and volunteers associated with them. |
CYFAR State projects are implemented as a set of one or more associated Community Projects that are held at locations and sites around the State. |
The CYFAR data was given to REEIS in the form of a Microsoft Access database. It is the same data that is used for the reports located at the CYFAR website. |
The CYFAR grants are funded in 5-year cycles, so a state can be funded for 5 years, then be off funding for one year, then apply for the next CYFAR cycle. Since the reporting cycle is in October and funding is awarded in April, the states are finishing the last few months of their projects during the off funding year. CYFAR has made it optional for states to report on those last few months of their project. Since not all states have CYFAR grants, states may not be reporting projects in some years. |